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Aldenham AbuseSchool of Fools
As a child, Phoenix was sent to the elite boarding-school used as the filming-location for the 1968 movie If... (pictured above). Here, Phoenix ran an undercover-investigation. His report exposes the drug-dealers who founded Aldenham School, and the routine rape of students by teachers.
Who killed Steve Jobs?The Execution of Jobs

Sometimes Phoenix is asked how he would describe his collaboration with Steve Jobs (pictured above). Steve was amusing, intelligent, and cryptic. Steve's connection to Phoenix's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland leads back to 1972, when Steve worked as 'The Mad Hatter', entertaining children.
The Cloud PyramidsThe Cloud Pyramids

Why did Walter Chrysler and other wealthy industrialists build towers that, at their highest points, look extraordinarily like Egyptian pyramids, or Incan temples? Why not invent a new style? Why not pay more attention to the middle floors? Phoenix Kaspian's investigation exposes every floor.
Established AbuseEstablished Abuse
As a child, Aria survived organized ritual abuse. This abuse was perpetrated by her father, and a network of Freemason cult-members. Aria exposes how these networks function, and why Freemasons are permitted to freely rape and torture children without the British police intervening.
Abuse at King's House School, RichmondThe King's House
Phoenix investigates the 'elite' London school that abused him. His report analyzes the 'school reports' written by teachers who routinely beat and sexually-assaulted children as young as ten years old. Phoenix evidences multiple pedophile-headmasters at the school, and a culture of child-rape.
Aldenham School Pedophile RingThe Feeding Grounds
In the second-part of his report on the massive Aldenham School pedophile-ring, Phoenix exposes how the school is used as a 'feeding ground' for royalty. His report also demonstrates how Aldenham trains children for abusive roles in the military, the media, and a wider-network of child-abuse.
How University Destroys ThoughtDegrees of Deceit

If you've ever wondered why the corporate media is so corrupt, then take a look at student newspapers. This is where many of our 'greatest journalists' are forged. Phoenix began his journalism career as News Editor of Exeposé which, he soon discovered, was a mouthpiece of Exeter University.
Steven Spielberg and AbuseChildren of the Crown
Phoenix exposes King's House School in London as an elite pedophile ring. Throughout the 1980s, under various pretexts, the school supplied children to 'elite' celebrities, including Steven Spielberg, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and 'King' Charles. The report also evidences the school deleting a decade of records.
Abuse at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. This image of Emma Watson is Creative Commons 3.0 by David Shankbone.The Final Act
Why do so many young actors fall into addiction and despair? Phoenix trained at one of the world's most 'prestigious' acting schools, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA), alongside Emma Watson. Here he witnessed, first hand, the abuse and harassment that is perpetrated by those who 'teach' acting.
Exposing the Royal Rape CampsAll The King's Men
Phoenix Kaspian exposed Aldenham School as a child torture camp, but this is not the first time he has taken on the British Monarchy. Read Phoenix's detailed investigative report into the murder of children in camps affiliated with the Monarchy, and witness his sting-operation on the Metropolitan police.
Speaking OutSpeaking Out

Phoenix and Aria are survivors of childhood sexual abuse by the British Crown and their affiliates. In the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, and the discovery of child-rape islands where 'royalty' and the 'elite' torture children, Phoenix and Aria are leading voices against the European Monarchies.
Exposing Freemason PedophilesThe Testament

As a child, Aria collected video-evidence against the Freemason pedophile-gangs. In her investigative-report, Aria exposes her father and the criminals who worked alongside him, raping and torturing many children in organized-rituals. Read her detailed testimony, or watch the short-documentary.

About VOLC
Voice Of Liberated Children™ (VOLC) is a platform where survivors of childhood-trauma can heal and learn. We distribute videos, writing, and artwork created by survivors who are ready to share their experiences of childhood. Voice Of Liberated Children™ (VOLC) is entirely funded by a group of private investors, and lawyers, who understand that humanity cannot progress further until the trauma of the past is fully resolved. VOLC makes no financial profit from its activities and is a zero-income organization. This means that we never accept money from the public; in any form.