Welcome to Voice Of Liberated Children

All The King's Men

By Chris Stevens / Phoenix Kaspian
31st August, 2024 —

Jimmy Savile and his colleagues in crime, the British Police

I am a Guardian-Award winning journalist1 turned whistle-blower against the British Monarchy. I was previously employed2 by the The Times and Telegraph newspapers. I have also worked3 for BBC Television; BBC Radio One; and BBC Radio Four. I am now protected in North America, after attempts on my life.

This is the third-part of my investigative-report into King's House 'Royal-Rape' school. Here, I evidence the role of the British Police, who are employed by the British Crown to conceal the endemic rape and torture of children by the Monarchy.

In the photograph above, you can see notorious-pedophile, Jimmy Savile, hanging-out with police-officers. Throughout the decades that he brutalized children in the UK, Savile received police-protection4, and the full-endorsement of the British Monarchy. Savile was intimate-friends with King Charles. Savile has previously been evidenced5 supplying children to Prince Philip.

Jimmy Savile and Prince Philip ran a network of Outward Bound camps. As a child, together with other children, I was raped and tortured at one of these camps. I also witnessed the murder of a child.

As an adult, my attempts to report this murder were so intensely obstructed by the British Police that I was compelled to run a year-long sting-operation6 on the police; to prove their complicity. The evidence I collected during this sting-operation is included in this article.

When I was a child at King's House School, a group of British Police officers participated in my rape, and torture, at the Outward Bound camp in the UK. These police officers also abused other children at the same camp.

Years later, I witnessed British Police Officers standing guard on the school-grounds while 'elite' visitors abused me, and other children, in the Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library, in Hertfordshire.

The King Owns The Cops

Most British Police officers are fully-aware that the Monarchy is a pedophile-ring. However, the police cannot initiate a criminal-prosecution against the Monarchy, because King Charles is their employer. Police officers in the UK are compelled, by official oath, to "well and truly service the king". It is significant that the British Police swear an oath7 to the king, and not to the British people.

Police in the UK must confront a major problem: King Charles has the logo of his crime-syndicate emblazoned across all of their uniforms. This means that, although the British Police will still intervene to 'uphold the law' during mundane-crimes which involve domestic-disputes; automobile-theft; or house-breaking, they cannot stop the King, or his deranged family, from acting out their delusional fairy-tale of 'reigning' over people.

In the UK, people line the streets to applaud the 'royal' family while it openly-exhibits its delusions. Fear of this mass-psychosis spreading is one reason why Americans refuse to give up their guns. In the absence of personal-artillery, there is a concern that, here in North America, we might follow the UK down its peculiar rabbit-hole, and begin applauding pedophiles openly on the street.

Police in the UK might help if your car is stolen, but they cannot stop Prince Andrew raping children; they could not stop Jimmy Savile raping children; and they will not stop King Charles raping children.

No Questions Asked

In that earlier photograph of the notorious-pedophile, Jimmy Savile, you might notice that the UK's law-enforcement officers have the logo of the British Monarchy on their hats. Look closely: This logo is almost bigger than the Police Officers' faces. This is not a satire on totalitarian-rule; this is actually what the police in the UK wear on their heads.

The British political system is an occult, monarchic-dictatorship disguised as a democracy, and fueled by endemic pedophilia. It is no secret that the British 'elite' are famous, internationally, for perfect table-manners; and genocide.

I have previously reported on the rape and torture of children at King's House School. I have also reported on how the school supplied children to 'celebrities' like Steven Spielberg, and other public figures.

Around the time I was sent to this camp, in the 1980s, a man called Jimmy Savile was director of Outward Bound Global. You can confirm this information8 in official records. This means that the world's most notorious pedophile was running a network of camps called Outward Bound. This group still exists.

Cliff Richard's Choir Boys

I have previously reported on a pedophile music-teacher at King's House, Michael Stuckey. This teacher provided children to various 'celebrities' including pop-star Cliff Richard. In the photograph below, you can see Cliff Richard hanging out with notorious pedophile, Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile and his close friend, Cliff Richard

My 12-year-old school-friend from King's House School, James Rainbird, was supplied directly to Cliff Richard.

James Rainbird is credited9 in the record sleeve for Cliff Richard's number-one 'hit song', Mistletoe & Wine. The single sold over 750,000 copies.

While I was a student at King's House, in 1988, a gold disc from EMI hung proudly on the wall of the school; commemorating the school's supply of choir boys to Cliff Richard. Today, however, just as King's House has erased a decade of pedophile-headmasters from its historical record, the school is completely silent regarding its supply of children to Cliff Richard. The ongoing cover-up is extraordinary.

Cliff Richard's house was raided by police8 in August 2014, during a failed-investigation into 'elite' pedophile rings. Cliff Richard holds a knighthood10 bestowed upon him by the British Monarchy; the world's largest-known pedophile ring.11

Celebrity pedophiles in the UK are, sadly, almost never held to public account until they are dead.

Complete Corruption

During the course of my attempts to report the murder of a child to the British police, it quickly became clear that the police collude with the Crown to hide the abuse and the murder of children.

This may sound shocking to some readers, but the evidence is plain to see. As we look at the email correspondence I entered into with the police, we'll see how the police begin by replying in quite reasonable ways. But, slowly it becomes clear that the police have absolutely no interest in any details about the child who I witnessed murdered.

The British police do not ask her surname. They do not ask for a description of her. They do not ask if I know anything about her family, or where she came from. The police ask nothing whatsoever about this child.

All the police ask for, in over a year of extensive correspondence, is my address; my contact details; and my medical information. They ask no questions about the little girl that I saw murdered who was called Clare. In a year, they asked nothing about Clare.

At first, I wrote to the NSPCC. This is the 'National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.' This is a UK-based organization. It is the first point of contact that most survivors will have when they report child abuse. I later learned that notorious pedophile, Jimmy Savile, was a public-representative of the NSPCC. As was Prime Minister, Margret Thatcher, who concealed child-rape in her government.12

Jimmy Saville, Margaret Thatcher, and the NSPCC

You read that right: A pedophile (Jimmy Savile) and a pedophile-enabler (Margaret Thatcher) helped run the UK's child-protection agency. Welcome to England.

I this first email, to the NSPCC, I write:

Hello, I experienced childhood sexual abuse at King's House School in Richmond, London during the 1980s. Several teachers at the school participated, and it included ritual and sexual abuse at an Outward Bound holiday camp.

I was subjected to rape, torture and witnessed the murder of a young girl called Clare. I have attached a statement detailing the names of the abusers, and the locations at which the abuse took place.

I have tried to provide as much information as I can. I hope this information can be used to support the witness statements of other survivors for the protection of children and as a basis for a police investigation into these institutions.

What is the best way for us to proceed?"

I sent this email to the NSPCC and I also attached a statement. I won't go over my statement in a huge amount of detail here. There are other news reports that cover exactly what happened to me.

To briefly summarize what was done to me, and other children, at the camp: For over a week, I was tortured and abused by men at the camp. I was prostituted by men at the camp. I was subjected to ritual abuse.

Ritual abuse is defined by abuse that has a specific objective, and that objective is to split and fragment a child; to disable them; often for life; so that aspects of the child are compartmentalized.

The intent of of this ritual-abuse is to 'break' the child. Later, as an adult, the ritual-abuse survivor typically walks through life subservient-to-authority. This submissiveness has been traumatically-conditioned. The abuse that children are put through at these Outward Bound camps is designed to be so great that the child is irreparably damaged.

During relentless abuse, the child is taught that every time they speak out against abuse; every time they confront authority; the child will be abused more.

I've named the teachers who abused me. This statement was made to the police before I could confirm the names of the abusers. I have now confirmed these names with other survivors of the school.

As previously reported, three of the pedophile teachers who took us to the camp were called Richard Sewell; Peter Cowlyn; and Alistair Newman. In this statement to the NSPCC, I describe the ritual abuse at the camp; I describe how children were transported to the camp; I also name the teachers who took us there.

Pedophiles run the NSPCC

I later discovered that the Outward Bound camp I was abused at was under the directorship of Jimmy Savile. However, neither the NSPCC or the British police ever make any mention of this to me; in over a year of correspondence. They hide this information from me. Jimmy Savile was granted complete-access to just about every institution in the UK that dealt with children, and he was intimately connected with the British Royal family.

Initially, I receive an automated-response from the NSPCC. This first email thanks me for contacting the helpline.

I first reported the murder of a child on July 3rd. Now, on the 4th of July, I get a personal response from the NSPCC. This email says:

Thank you for your email, which we received. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

The email from the NSPCC says that I'm brave for contacting them. The email also acknowledges that the abuse was experienced at King's House School and the Outward Bound camp.

At this point, the NSPCC should have informed me that the Outward Bound group was run by the world's most notorious pedophile, Jimmy Savile. They could have told me about other reports, or mentioned that they are aware that this camp is problematic. But there's nothing. The NSPCC are silent on this topic.

Next, I recieve an email from a person called Ken Kilner who is a police officer. He's a detective sergeant at Feltham child abuse investigation team. He writes:

Mr Kasian...

First of all, that's not my name. My surname is Kaspian. If you're running a child-abuse investigation team, you should probably pay attention to small details. Kilner, however, cannot even spell the witness's name properly. He continues:

We have received a referral form in relation to the allegations of child abuse perpetrated on you whilst attending King's House School, and also attending an Outward Bound trust center in Cumbria.

I appreciate you have given an account in relation to incidents. However, this is not suitable for us to determine full allegations against persons stated.

Apparently there's some sort of bureaucratic-formula that has to be followed. However, again I feel like it might be useful at this point for him to say something along the lines of:

We apologize for what happened to you. We know the camp was run by Jimmy Savile, and and was also patronized by the Duke of Edinburgh husband to the Queen, father to the world's third most notorious pedophile Prince Andrew, who we now know rapes children who are trafficked, provided by Jeffrey Epstein.

Instead, police officer Ken Kilner writes:

You allude to abuse at the hands of your father. What would assist us greatly is you're attending your local police station in Germany, and providing an account. I need full details for yourself — Address you resided, date of birth, times at King's School
Kilner refers me to a police station in Germany because I was based in Germany during the time at which I made these statements to the British Police. Immediately, however, it appears that the British police are very interested in my personal details; but not in any details regarding Clare, the girl I witnessed murdered. Kilner continues:
I need details for your father and also all family members. Also current venue they reside
It's clear that the police are very keen on obtaining the details of all my family members. However, in my statement to the police, I have reported teachers, and abusers at Outward Bound. I have only mentioned my family in passing; yet now my family appears to have become the focus of the entire police investigation.

Why are the police asking only for details of my family members? What relevance does my family have to abuse at Outward Bound, or King's House School. Do the police not want to know Clare's age? Her surname? Where the murdered girl came from? Apparently not.

As we will soon discover, what the British police are actually doing here is determining whether they can gain collateral to threaten me with. This is a standard-tactic used by the British Monarchy to terrorize children, now adults, who speak out about child-rape camps in the UK.

Child Murders Ignored

The standout pieces of information in my statement regard a young girl, called Clare, who was murdered at a camp run by Outward Bound. The most cursory-research would determine that this organisation was under the directorship of Jimmy Savile. Yet, the police are preoccupied with obtaining my contact details for "all family members" and "current venue they reside".

In essence, I told a police officer, "there's a problem at this child-rape camp connected with the Monarchy." Then, the police officer has snapped-back, "What's your name? Where do you live? What are all your family members names?"

In a country that isn't run by a pedophile-monarchy, the basic protocol when a murder is reported is that the police-officers open a murder investigation. Then, the most basic-thing that the police will do is ask for the surname of the person murdered. Even if the police ask nothing else; even if they don't ask what the victim looked like; they will ask, at least, for a surname.

If the police don't ask for a surname, it's impossible to argue they are not colluding with those who killed this child. This level of negligence is extraordinary: Simply not asking for any details; which the police could run into a missing person's database. As we will discover, the British police collude with the pedophile-monarchy to hide what is done to children across the UK.

Police officer Kilner continues:

You have listed offenses abut [sic] have not have not been specific regarding who did what. I'm not particular about a full account, just an indication in relation to offenses and who on your list perpetrated this.

It would then be helpful for this to be transferred to ourselves so a decision can be taken on who best to allocate your matter.

If possible can we also obtain a contact number for you which would facilitate communication between us.


Ken Kilner
Detective Sergeant
Feltham Child Abuse Investigation team

I wrote this reply to detective sergeant Ken Kilner. Note that I spell his name correctly:

Hello Mr Kilner,

Before we proceed, we have a problem to be addressed: The patron of Outward Bound UK, where I was ritually abused, was the Duke of Edinburgh.

During the time I was abused, the Duke of Edinburgh, husband of the queen, Prince Philip was often photographed hanging out with Jimmy Savile. Here, you can see a photograph of the pair of them, at a 'fundraising' event for Outward Bound.

Jimmy Savile and his intimate-friend Prince Philip

Savile was intimately connected with the British Royal family; he procured children for them to abuse.5

To return to my emailed reply to the British police, I wrote:

The problem we then have is that the insignia of this man's family is on your organization's logo. The Metropolitan police have the crown's logo on their badges.

Is my case really a matter that the crown should be handling given that they are directly implicated in this crime? Please advise me on how to proceed.

On the same day, Ken Kilner replied to me. Again, he begins by spelling my name incorrectly:
Mr Kasian,
I obviously cannot force you to tell me your allegations. However can assure you that as an experienced officer having served some 11 years in Child Protection, I am more than experienced to listen to you and ensure the appropriate persons are notified.

I understand you may feel mistrusting of establishment especially having faced the abuse you are alleging.

All I can say is that the Metropolitan Police service takes this type of allegation very seriously and that we would endeavor to investigate it fully. However that is obviously reliant on your support.

It's important to note, at this point, that the Metropolitan Police are notorious for their institutional corruption. This 'police force' has hidden child abuse for decades. Multiple official-documents now that prove that, throughout the 1980s, the Metropolitan Police, together with MI-6, were actively hiding the abuse of children by government, and in 'elite' circles. They continue, today, to hide the abuse of children by the British Monarchy and government.

For years, the BBC and the Metropolitan Police hid what Jimmy Savile was doing at the BBC. The prime minister at the time, Margaret Thatcher, knew that children were being abused by members of her government. She concealed this information and facilitated the ongoing rape of children.12

So, to say that the Metropolitan Police takes this type of allegations "very seriously", is laughable. This is a standard-line that the police use in their email correspondence. It has no basis in reality.

I have offered the police full statements; given the names of abusers; and provided every detail possible. But the implication is that I am withholding something from them. Of course, in reality, the police are already withholding information from me. Specifically, that the camp was under the directorship of the world's most notorious pedophile; Jimmy Savile. Ken Kilner finishes off his email by writing:

Please let me know you [sic] intentions regarding Police pursuing these allegations so that I can direct this matter accordingly.
I replied to Ken Kilner:
Thank you for your email.

Yes, I have almost no trust in the establishment since we know that, from the government, through to the BBC, the sexual abuse of children was accepted and enabled. Even now the British government conceals information.
Here I also gave officer Ken Kilner a link to the Westminster Pedophile dossier, which is a dossier that was given to government officials detailing all those in government who are raping children. The dossier was then spontaneously lost, apparently. My email to Kilner continues:
My trust in the British establishment is slightly above zero.

Having said that, I have no other option as a human being than to report the abuse I was subjected to and hope against all the odds that something will be done. Even if nothing is done, my conscience will be clear.

I appreciate your help, Ken, and I have decided to try and trust you.

I hope that you stand outside the control of the organizations whose insignia adorns the police badge.
I give Kilner my date of birth; and information about my parents; and explain that I am estranged from them on account of the sexual abuse.

I explain to Ken I previously reported my parents to the police. I explained how my father was an alcoholic. I also explain that this is the first time I've reported the ritual abuse at the camp to the police.

I also tell the police officer that I'm less focused on pursuing a case against my father than I am against the school because the school affects so many more children.

I explain to Ken what it was that happened to me at the camp in more detail and I also list the names of various teachers at the school who abused me, and the ways in which they did that.

I suggest to Ken the he may have expertise in these matters that I do not, but if it was me I would focus first on Mr Alistair Newman. Mr Newman was a history teacher at the school, and he openly molested children in the classroom, with the full support of King's House School. I have reported on Newman extensively in a previous article.

The Pedophile Headmaster

I also inform the police officer that Neville Chaplin, who was the Headmaster at the school, has been charged with raping boys at a previous school. Of course, it is the British Police who should be providing me with this information, but they make no mention of Chaplin's arrest to me, throughout our correspondence.

Just to summarize, at this point: I've reported ritual abuse at a camp which was under the directorship of Jimmy Savile. I have also reported the school that sent me to the camp. The headmaster of this school was previously charged with raping children.

Ken Kilner replies to me. Finally he manages to write my name correctly:

Mr Kaspian,
Thanks for the update.

I have now been able to trace your original report in relation to your parents and have fully appraised myself of its content.
Officer Kilner goes on to say that he has found the original report and he's looked at the content of it. He says that the abuse that I've reported is quite extensive and that he needs to refer it to a different team.

Notice, that at this point, Kilner has still not asked anything about Clare; the little girl I saw murdered at the camp, and the main reason for my initial statement.

The British Police are yet to ask anything about the little girl who was murdered. The first email from officer Ken Kilner was sent on July 10th 2018. We're now on July 17th 2018. A week has now passed after a citizen has reported the murder of a child and the police have asked nothing about her.

Kilner hasn't asked for Clare's full name; a description of her; anything. I talked with my friend, Aria, who was also in contact with a police officer, because she was also in the process of reporting the abuse she experienced as a child.

Aria forwarded me the email address of another police officer; hoping that it might speed things up, or help. I decided to write to this second police officer that Aria was in contact with because Ken Kilner was clearly negligent; or under instruction to obstruct my reports.

To have received a murder report and, for seven days, not ask any information about the victim of that murder is disturbing.

I attached my statement to a new email which I send to officer Scott Avery. Scott Avery writes back to me with a question.

...can I just confirm who you got my email address from, and how you know each other please.
It's been almost a month since I reported the murder of a child to the London Metropolitan police. Again, all the police seem to be interested in is information about me; and who I got got an email address from.

I sent the first email to the NSPCC on the 3rd of July 2018. This email from Scott arrives on August 30th 2018. It's almost a month later, and in all this time there have been no questions about my report of the murder of a child.

It's immensely sad that the British police force are so powerless to stop the monarchy raping children. It's hard even to be angry at them; I feel like these people are deeply hurt.

Soon another email from Scott arrives. Scott says that he's been handed my case and now he will be the officer in the case.

Still No Questions

This email arrives on August 8th. This is a month and four days since I reported the murder of a child. There's still no questions about Clare. Readers may find this hard to believe but Scott is asking again about who gave me his email address.
You haven't got back to me with regards to who gave you my e-mail address...
This email apparently represents the apex of the Metropolitan police's investigative skills; in relation to determining the veracity of allegations about child-murder at camp which is known to have been run by a pedophile.

The zenith of their questioning skills has manifested this question and the question is: Who gave you my email address? Scott continues:

I have attached a Medical Consent Form, which I would like you to sign and date and scan back to me.
Is this actually happening? There's still no questions about the murder of Clare. If I was a police officer, I would say: "Could you give me a description of the girl? I will run that through the missing person's database. Could you let me know if you knew her surname? Did she say anything about family members? Could you give me a description of her appearance? I will cross-reference this with reports of missing children."

Instead, officer Scott Avery writes:

Please could you send me back all the places you have attended medically for whatever reason. Any counseling etc. This is really important in every case we take in my Dept. as when/if it goes to Court we need to be ready for anything the defense throws at us.
The British Police have yet to ask anything about the abuse I've experienced. Instead they appear to be looking for information that might compromise me. Scott's email, again, asks:
"1) Who gave you my e-mail address and how do you know them?"
Just to be clear, this is only the third time that Scott, as a representative of the Metropolitan police, has asked any questions. All of these first three-questions, which he is repeatedly asking, which he's obsessed by, is: Who gave you my email address, and how do you know them. Next Scott asks:
"What was your last doctor surgery in the UK?"
A citizen has reported the murder of a child. But the British Police only want to know how I got the email address of one of them. They're obsessed by that.

Secondly, they want to know is who my doctor is. Maybe it's important. I'm sure at some point, in this hypothetical court-case, the team representing the Royal family would say: "This person's mad." Abusers always do that. They try and discredit the survivor who's giving the evidence.

That's is always the Royal-pedophiles' first port of call. They look to discredit whoever is giving the evidence. However, for the police to ask this, before asking anything about the murdered girl, is fascinating. Scott continues:

What is your current doctor's surgery in Germany?
The police are often preoccupied with this doctor concept. I don't see doctors. I'm very healthy. I'm vegan. I don't go to doctors because they are the leading cause of disease. This whole notion of the doctor is bizarre to me. It's very interesting that the British Police are so preoccupied with it. Scott's email continues:
4) Would you be willing to come to the UK to be interviewed about all the abuse you suffered as a child?
Hmm, let me think about this for a moment. Who am I saying abused me? I was abused at a camp patronized by the British Crown. So, would I come to the UK to be interviewed?

No, I'm not an idiot. It's like I'm reporting the Holocaust, and I'm saying I've just come from Germany and there's a fucking Holocaust happening. Then I email the Nazi party back in Germany, and I say I've witnessed the murder of people in camps. Then, the Nazis write to me and say would you consider coming back to Germany to give evidence?

No, I wouldn't consider going back to England, a country run by the people who abused me, to give evidence. No. Scott's email continues:

5) What is your phone number so I can make contact?
Do you want to make contact, Scott, or do you want to use my phone number to figure out where I am, and pass that information onto MI-6, who have a long-history of covering-up child-rape by the Royals? It's well-known that British 'intelligence' (stupidity) has colluded with the British Establishment in the abuse of children historically.

All five of these questions, put to me by the British Police, have the objective of compromising me, or placing me under surveillance. None of the questions relate to the murder I reported. Scott finishes his email with:

Keep in mind an investigation of this size will not be resolved quickly and could take years. Also decision to act fast could be detrimental to the case and future decisions. I hope that makes sense.
This doesn't actually make sense. A decision to act fast is critical because if the police don't act fast then those who are accused will destroy the evidence. The first thing the police might do is search databases for any reports on Clare. The police could also go to the Outward Bound camp to collect evidence.

To think that a survivor is stupid enough to believe that the police acting slowly is to the advantage of the survivor. It's bizarre.

On 10th August, 2018, I reply to Scott. I've signed the medical consent form. I've told Scott that I'm very concerned that those who abuse me do not abuse other children.

Next, there is silence. There's silence from August 10th 2018 until May 29th 2019. Consider the unbelievable bleakness of a police service that does this.

I acknowledge that these police officers have been deeply hurt themselves. Some of them believe that they're serving good, apparently. Yet their official-logo is the British Crown; the world's largest pedophile-ring.

Broadcasting the Truth

At this point in my investigation, it's been almost a year since the British Police last emailed me, and they have still asked nothing about my report of the murder of a child.

The police clearly went silent hoping that I would just disappear. But then they were made aware that I was speaking out through a podcast I broadcast with my friend Aria. Shortly after these podcasts were broadcast, the British Police write me an email.

In this email, Scott creates the impression that he's interested in gaining more information about the case. But he still hasn't asked anything about Clare. Scott writes in his email:

As you can appreciate the allegations made are very serious and deserve many hours to investigate fully. But we also need the full cooperation of yourself (which isn't in question) by way of recorded interview of all the allegations made. Without this a case will fall down prior to Court.
I accept that it's difficult to prosecute this type of case. Mainly because in British courtrooms, above the judge, is the insignia of the British Royal family; the world's largest pedophile-ring. Scott's email continues:
Please take time to decide what you wish to do and let me know by Friday 31st May.
To recap: The British Metropolitan police have not written anything to me for a year almost a year. During that time, Aria and I launched a podcast. Now hundreds of thousands of people are listening to it. After months of silence, the British Police write me an email on May 29th. They suddenly give me a deadline of just two days.

This is a classic intimidation-tactic by the police. They completely lost interest in the case but, now it's subject to public-scrutiny, suddenly they've got in contact and given me a two-day deadline. The police do this to survivors of abuse for a specific reason.

If you don't have time to think, then you will make a mistake. Many survivors of the Monarchy are in a position where they feel panicked and uncertain about what the authorities will do to them. The police exploit the survivor's fear to protect the British Monarchy.

As children, both Aria and I were both sexually-abused by police officers. I was sexually abused by a police officer in Chiswick in London; and by police officers at the Outward Bound camp run by Jimmy Savile and Prince Philip. Aria was raped in a police station, when she was a child. I also witnessed police officers standing guard outside the Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library.

I write to Scott that I am prepared to make a statement, but I also am concerned for my safety.

I agree to meet with British Police officers in Berlin, and I have suggestions for a location. I say that concerned because the British crown are directly connected to the police force.

I suggest that we could hold the interview at a university in Berlin. Scott replies to this email, and begins by spelling my name incorrectly:

Thanks Pheonix [sic]
It's become apparent that the police believe there is no point in attention-to-detail in this sort of case. Scott says he's discussed the interview with his detective sergeant, and he feels the legalities of obtaining the statement at the venues could prove incredibly difficult compared to a police station.

Every day, news organizations take statements from people at a variety of locations. You could take a witness statement from someone in a park. You could take a witness statement from someone in a car. You don't need to take them into a police station. You don't need to take them into exactly the same location at which they were abused.

Police Interrogations

Interviewing a survivor in a police station in the UK is effectively like asking someone who survived abuse in a catholic church to give evidence in a catholic church: "The priests abused you, did they? Right, come into the church, and we'll have a talk about it."

This entire royal-rape system has been designed to retraumatize survivors of sexual abuse; many of whom were abused by those connected with the British police. The system has been designed to prevent people coming forward.

Very few survivors make an official report because they know that they'll have to give evidence in exactly the same setting under which they were abused, and later in a British court-room, where the logo of a pedophile-ring (the Monarchy) hangs on the wall.

When children are ritually abused, as I was at the Outward Bound camp, they are often abused in settings that resemble, very closely, interrogation cells in police stations. This is an incredibly malevolent way of ensuring that no child ever speaks out about the ritual abuse as an adult.

If you rape and intimidate a child in a small cell-like space; and you dress as police officers; or you are police officers; then you have ensured that that survivor will never ever give evidence for the court.

I write back to Scott. I tell him again we're happy to meet him at the Canadian Embassy or in corporate office space. Scott replies to my mail:

Hello Both
Now it appears that Scott intends to write to both me and Aria at the same time. We have now been grouped together and they want to interview us "both" as a unit.

Do the British Police see us as a threat? Probably. Scott says it will take some time to set things up and he will need us to "write off a week".

This is an interesting turn of phrase. The British Police want us to "write off" a week. What kinds of things get written off? You can "write off" a car. What do you do to a car when you "write" it "off"? You crash it.

The British police are never going to outright say: "We're really going to fuck with you," but it's clear that Scott is letting us know what to expect. That we're going to be written off.

Scott's email continues:

Once you've told me a preferred venue I then need to arrange with that venue myself and get their permission etc which needs to be done formally by written consent etc.
This email arrived on 9th June 2019. I first reported the murder of Clare; who was around ten years old; at a camp I was sent to in the north of England; I reported her murder on the 3rd July 2018. We are now at June 9th 2019.

It is almost a year since I first reported the murder of a child, and the British Police have not asked for any information about Clare, or the camp. However, the Metropolitan police, represented by Scott Avery, are asking for my phone number and my address again.

Survivors Are Targeted

It's revealing to look back through these emails from the police, and check where the question marks were. All the police have asked me, in a year, in order, are:

  1. Can we have your medical records?
  2. What's your address?
  3. What's your phone number?
  4. How did you get my email?
  5. What's your address?
  6. What's your phone number?
These are the all the questions asked. This is a complete summary of everything that the police asked me during an entire year of 'investigation' into the murder of a child at a camp run by the British monarchy.

I reply to Scott Avery, I thank him for his email. I say I understand it might be difficult finding evidence because so much time has passed. I also point out that the British establishment typically hides, or 'loses' evidence connected with their rape of children. I write that I don't think British society can cover this all up for much longer.

I tell Scott that I feel a moral obligation to speak out, just like witnesses of the Holocaust felt a need to speak out. I won't give up. I give Scott some suggestions on different spaces we can use in Berlin, and I also suggest that he could meet us at a university.

I hear nothing back from Scott. Then, over a month later, an email arrives from Elena.Saragato3@met.police.uk. The email address is peculiar because it implies that there are three Elena Saragatos working for the Metropolitan police; this seems unlikely. The email reads:

Dear Aria and Phoenix,
I hope this finds you well.

My name is Elena and I work in the same team as DC [Scott] Avery

Apologies if you have tried to contact him in the last couple of weeks, he has been away from the office unexpectedly and we don't have access to his email account.
It feels like something strange has happened with our previous contact at the Metropolitan Police. Scott has, apparently, been away from the office unexpectedly and they don't have access to his email account. I find that hard to believe. The Metropolitan police do not have access to the email accounts of the officers who work for them?

I can understand that the police might have certain investigations they don't want shared with other departments, but there would be someone within the hierarchy who can grant access to the emails of all officers.

When Elena's email arrives, it's been well over a year since I first made my report to the police. The police still haven't asked any questions about the abuse at the camp, or anything regarding the murder of Clare.

Now my main-contact with the police, Scott Avery, has disappeared unexpectedly. Apparently no one has access to his emails. Now, Elena Saragato (number 3) has emailed me and she says that she wants to confirm what dates in August the police can carry out the recorded interview.

In her email, it states that Elena Saragato is "T/DC" and the she is in the child abuse investigation team West Area. This is all extremely abstract.

I reply to Elena and I suggest that she calls the university in Berlin and makes a reservation for a room. Elena replies. She says she called the university and they have refused to let her book a room. Again, this seems implausible.

Elena says the room has to be private; in a quiet area; no windows; adequate lighting; multiple power sockets; it must accommodate three people; it must be at least three meters by three meters; the seating must be movable and comfortable and be close to restrooms.

The Police 'Rider'

The reader may grasp the intent of the police at this point. I do understand that we're asking the police to meet us in a location that is unconventional by their standards, however, now the police are basically asking me to build them a entire 'movie set' where the interview will occur. They're enlisting me as set-designer to create the arena in which they will interrogate me. It would have been quicker to simply stipulate: Build us an interrogation-cell of the type you've seen in movies.

The police ask for: No windows; a room at least three-meters square. That's tiny. Give us seating; give us power sockets; make sure there are restrooms nearby.

I understand that I've said I don't want to be interviewed in a police station. But the alternative appears to be that I personally build the police a miniature police-station elsewhere.

Is this this actually happening? Are the British police, the Metropolitan police, actually writing to a survivor of sexual abuse and asking them to build an off-site police-station in which they will interrogate them? Even the Nazis didn't make citizens build their own interrogation cells. There was at least some basic manners.

The British police are basically saying to survivors: If you won't meet us in a police-station where we can intimidate you, then you must treat us like your house-guests in a police station you build for us. Except the British Police are not like the average house guest who's happy to just sit on the sofa and have a chat. Instead, the British Police sent me a 'rider'.

Readers may know the concept of a 'rider' from rock bands. A 'rider' is a set of requests that a rock-band sends a venue before their arrival. The rock band may ask for champagne, and a small palm tree, for example. The only thing the police have left out from the 'rider' they sent me in their email is that they want a bowl full of organic cookies, or that they want six ripe bananas, and a copy of Time magazine from September 1974.

What the police sent me is a rider. The Metropolitan police, in response to an abuse survivor wanting to speak out, have sent that abuse survivor a rider; like a rock band sends a rider to a venue, saying exactly what they want.

I write to Elena and ask why the university refused to offer her a room. I ask for the name of the person she spoke with. I also write to Elena:

The British Police Force does not get to dictate the circumstances under which survivors of abuse by the British Crown give evidence.

The interviews will take place at the university in a calm, open space, with windows, in daylight. I have also arranged for representatives of the university, as well as American and German interests, to be present, and we will also be filming the interview.
This is basic self-preservation. Of course I will have representatives from other governments present. Of course I will film the interview because my experiences as a child of being abused by police officers are clear in my mind.

The Pedophile-Freemasons

All of my correspondence with the police, up to this point, has indicated to me that the police have no interest in the case. They only have interest in discrediting me. So, I write to Elena:
Naturally, you understand why this is: Your uniform bears the insignia of the crown, and also of the Freemasons.
This is true. Over two-thirds of British police officers, when surveyed by the government, refused to answer the question of whether or not they were members of the Freemasons. The checkerboard pattern that runs around the police helmet was introduced by a prominent Freemason called Percy Sillitoe.

If you research Percy Sillitoe, you can discover exactly the influence he had on the police, and how he designed the uniform. This was a guy who was a prominent Freemason.

I write to Elena, explaining that I am giving evidence against the same group that she represents. Now, of course, some people might ask: Why are you even trying to do this? The British Police are so deeply corrupt. The answer is that I hoped, against all the odds, that there might be a sliver-of-a-chance that some police officers do not support the British Monarchy's rape of children. My email to Elena continues:

It has also not escaped our attention that I reported the murder of a child to your organization over a year ago, and zero questions were asked regarding Clare's surname, age, appearance. Obviously, this level of disregard for procedure is part of the case we will be making against the British state and the so-called 'Police force.'

If you are unable to book a room at the university then, as we suggested before to Scott (before he disappeared), I can have a room made available at the Canadian Embassy in Berlin.

Please be more careful and attentive in how you handle this. It is you who are under investigation. However, Aria and I hope that there are enough good people in the UK police force to expose these crimes. This is why we are attempting to give an interview to you so that you can cross reference our experiences with those of other survivors, and we can begin criminal proceedings against the crown. Thank you for your time.
Elena writes a response the same day. This is extremely unusual, as the British Police have, until this point, been extremely sluggish in responding to any emails. Clearly something in my email has stirred Elena's soul. Given that she's replied so spontaneously, we can speculate that she hasn't had much time to consider what she's writing. As a result, the email contains many clues regarding what the British Police are actually planning. Elena writes:
Good Afternoon Phoenix,
Thank you for your reply. I have read it and perhaps I need to explain in more detail why I have requirements for the room. The room will need to be private, in a quiet area (so there is no background noise) — If there is any background noise this can cause the sound of your voice and that of the interviewer to be drowned out and therefore inaudible."
Any audio engineer will tell you that this is a lie. If this was true, then you could never interview someone on the street. If this was true you could never hear someone on the other end of a telephone, if they were on a street. If this was true we could never record anything unless there was complete silence. It's a complete fabrication. The British Police have, unfortunately for them, made the assumption that we're stupid. Elena continues:
The room should have no windows or at least should have curtains — Again this is to avoid any distractions being recorded that would divert attention away from what is being said.
It feels like the police are stepping-down on some of their demands; now the room can have windows, but there must be curtains. Why did the room need to have no windows? Why does the room now need to have curtains? What are the most common reasons for not wanting any windows, or for closing curtains during an interview? If you cannot see out, then nobody can see in.

I suspect that what Elena actually means is that the British Police want to intimidate me as much as possible and this will be difficult if they cannot seal-off the room. The email from the police continues:

The room will need adequate lighting so that everyone will be visible on the recordings — Your face and that of the interviewer will need to be clearly visible so that anyone watching it can clearly see any reactions.
Reactions to what? What's so infuriating and upsetting about this is that you could superficially read this correspondence and think "Oh, that sounds very reasonable". But when we actually look more deeply at what's being set-up here it is very disturbing. The email from the police continues:
"We will need multiple power sockets. This is to allow enough sockets for the recording equipment to be plugged in.
Again, this looks like an innocent request. The police would like some power sockets, however, it feels like another item on their 'rider', like they'd like another bowl of candy; and six packets of salt and vinegar potato-chips; and a photograph of Kurt Cobain.

If you need multiple power sockets, please bring a power adapter. That isn't the purpose of the email from the police. The purpose of this email is all subtext. The subtext of this email is: We control you.

The police are basically saying: Get us this and get us that, and get us a power adapter, and get us some curtains, and a signed photograph of Kurt Cobain. I'ts very controlling. Reading between the lines, this is an another attempt by the British Monarchy to control those who are attempting to give evidence against the Crown. It's all demands, and boundary-testing. The police are assessing how much they can control the survivor. Elena's email goes on:

The room needs to be big enough to comfortably accommodate 3 people (at least 3 meters by 3 meters).
That's a very small room. One square-meter per person. There's also this odd repetition of the number thirty-three which, as we know, is a key Freemasonic-motif. A codified signal which Freemason-pedophiles use to signal to each other; it's a kind of insider-joke to them. Elena's email continues:
This is so the recording machines can capture everything that happens and to allow enough space for everyone to be accommodated without feeling claustrophobic.
There are a lot of revealing word-choices in this hastily-written email from the police. Because there has been less consideration of the content, the subtext of the email begins to emerge more obviously. First, we notice this repetition of this key-Freemasonic motif of 33 in the three-by-three meter room; and the three people who must be accomodated in the room.

Next, there is the introduction of the word "claustrophobic". Elena's free-association has revealed a sense of the atmosphere the police are trying to create. Claustrophobia has been introduced as an idea. Where did this notion come from? Elena continues:

The room should have seating that is movable, so that it can be set up in a way that the recording equipment will be able to capture everything in the room, and seats should be comfortable enough for people to be sat on for about two and a half hours at a time so that you, or the interviewer, isn't in any undue discomfort.
The last paragraph ended with "claustrophobia". This paragraph ends with "discomfort". Here, we can witness the British Police unconsciously giving the game away. There is also the phrase "capture everything in the room". the language-choices here are fascinating: claustrophobia, capture, discomfort.

Some readers may think: You're reading a lot into this. Unfortunately, this level of scrutiny has been necessary for my ongoing survival as a whistle-blower against the Britsh Monarchy. The general tone of the emails I have received from the British police has been utter disrespect for me; utter disinterest in the nature of the allegations; and a fascination with my personal-details.

And that's why I focus with a laser-like intensity on the precise language that's used by these agents of the Crown. If we look at what has actually happened, so far, in terms of action by the police. There has been zero. Nothing has actually happened regarding my statements. The case hasn't been investigated. The police have done nothing, in over a year.

The police haven't indicated that they've collected any evidence that supports or discredits my case. Yet, they want to fly police officers all the way to Berlin, with recording equipment. They want me to design the room in which I will be interrogated. Elena's email continues:

The room should ideally be close to toilet facilities so if you need to use the facilities during the interview then there would not need for a long pause that could be detrimental to your case.
Why would taking a break from an activity be inherently detrimental to the activity? It doesn't make any sense. In this paragraph, Elena seems to be basically saying, if there's a break in the sustained-interrogation, it will be detrimental to their protection of the Monarchy.

If the police were honestly trying to gather information on a case, then they would want the survivor giving the account to be as calm and comfortable as possible; able to take breaks whenever necessary. Citizens give the most accurate and forthright accounts of their experiences when they're not under pressure. Elena's email states that the video-recorded interview would need to be conducted "according to the established policies and procedures of the Metropolitan Police Service and the Crown Prosecution Service."

The interview has to be conducted, Elena says, according to the rules of the "Crown". This means that the group that I'm giving evidence against is determining the circumstances under which I give that evidence. This is horrific. Elena's email continues:

This would mean that we could accommodate one other person being in the interview to offer you support if you require it but they would be sat behind you and would not be allowed to speak, ask questions, or communicate with you. This is in order to stop any allegations by anyone that you are being coached or prompted.
Every day people have conversations, and we do not know for sure whether or not someone external to this person is manipulating them. What's ironic is in this circumstance, we know that someone is manipulating Elena: The British Monarchy.

The Crown Investigates Itself

The British Crown is the Crown Prosecution Service, so we know that Elena is being coached and prompted. She's been coached by the Police Service. She's been trained by them. She's been literally coached. Elena writes:
They would need to have identification that would prove their name, address and date of birth in order for their details to be verified."

I am really sorry but you will not be allowed to film or record your interview. This will be recorded only by Metropolitan Police Equipment. This is non-negotiable I am afraid.
In this one paragraph the entire-fraud of the British establishment is encapsulated. They can film you, but you cannot film them. It's also interesting to consider the double-meaning of the phrase "I am afraid". This could mean that Elena is apologetic, or that she is, literally, "afraid" of me exposing the truth of the British police force and its collusion with the Crown in the rape of children.

The rules that the Crown have established are these: That you can be investigated by the British Police, but you cannot investigate them. The Monarchy wear gold crowns, you do not, and this is non-negotiable.

Elena, as a representative of the British Metropolitan Police, is saying that survivors of abuse cannot hold the police to account.

Only the police will have a record of the interview. You cannot record it. You cannot record your own interview with the police. These are interrogators. This is an attempt to extract information from survivors of the Crown in an attempt to discredit provable-testimony of abuse at an Outward Bound center connected with the British Crown run by Jimmy Savile.

At this point it's transparent. The police interrogate survivors, and survivors are granted no means by which to evidence these interrogations. Elena continues:

You will be interviewed by a Detective. There will be no uniform present.

I appreciate that you are worried about meeting and dealing with the Metropolitan Police Service but rest assured that the detectives who attend will only be interested in taking your statement so that progress can be made in this investigation.
If that was true, then they would have asked for Clare's surname. They would have asked for a description of Clare, the murdered girl. I write in my reply to Elena:
"Given that the British Police will be able to film us, but we will not be able to film them, I think it's better for Aria and I to go directly to the news media in Germany. I expected this might be the case, and we have sufficient evidence in Scott's correspondence to demonstrate the complicity of the Metropolitan Police in the cover-up of child abuse...

As survivors of childhood sexual abuse by uniformed police officers, Aria and I will not re-enact the circumstances of our abuse by having police officers film us under circumstances they wholly dictate. Last time this happened to us, people wearing your uniform were raping us...

If you film us; we film you. This is the most basic equality.

...Be aware that you will (if you agree to our terms) be interviewing us on German territory. The British Police have no jurisdiction here and so it is irrelevant whether you give permission for people to be in the room or not. You will also not be ID-ing anyone. You will be outside British territory.
I'm being very assertive here because I feel like I'm being lied to. I feel like I'm being manipulated, and I feel like I'm being coerced into a space where I will be abused.
Aria and I want to give the British Police Force an opportunity to listen to our detailed accounts of abuse as children, and to cross-reference this with the accounts of other survivors. This is your organization's chance to do something about the problem of child abuse in the British establishment.

...The alternative is that we bypass you and go public with the substantial evidence we already have against the Metropolitan Police. Let me know what you decide.
Elena replies, and she says:
"I am sorry that you cannot be interviewed under the conditions... If I do not hear back from you within 7 days I will unfortunately have to close all of the reports down."
At this point, it is over a year since I reported the abuse I experienced at the Ullswater Outward Bound camp in the North of England. This abuse included the murder of a child, called Clare, who was around my age at the time.

In seven days, the police will close "all of the reports" down. There have been no questions about the camp, no questions about Clare. The police will now close the case down having done nothing apart from attempting to intimidate me.

A Disgraceful Year

I received one final-email from the police, on 2nd August 2019. This email arrived one year and one month after I reported ritual-abuse at a Crown-run camp. I received this email from a police officer called Detective Constable Graham Blake. This is someone I've never heard from before. He writes:
Good Evening Phoenix,
I have read the below email that was sent to you by TDC Saragato on the 25th July 2019. I have spoken to her and she has not heard anything back from you. I can now confirm that the allegations that you have made will all be closed down. I will take no further action in these matters.

Kind regards
Graham Blake
Detective Constable
Safeguarding (CAIT) Team 3

Who is this person? What is safeguarding CAIT Team 3? Who are they safeguarding? Why was the badge to the left of DC Graham Blake's name, in his email, adorned with a crown?

Why, for over a year, did the London Metropolitan Police ask nothing in relation to the report of a murder of a child, at a camp that was under the directorship of the world's most notorious pedophile?

Why was Sir Keir Starmer, a man who was instrumental in covering-up the rape of children by Jimmy Savile, recently rewarded with the role of Prime Minister of the UK? Keir Starmer was head13 of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) when the decision not to prosecute Savile was made in 2008. This allowed Savile to continue his rape and torture of children until his death in 2011.

Those who have read my investigative-report into the Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library will know the answer to these question: The UK is 'reigned' over, and governed, by an elaborate pedophile-ring. This pedophile-ring calls itself 'Parliament', and a 'Monarchy'.

How many survivors have approached the police and had their testimonies erased? How many children have been reported murdered at these camps? How many times have the police told survivors, "I can now confirm that the allegations that you have made will all be closed down."

The End of the United Kingdom

The UK is less a country, and more a crime-scene. As the emerging horror of how the British Aristocracy maintained power has been exposed, many Americans have come to view the United Kingdom as a failed state.

That it was possible, for centuries, for a pedophile-ring to go unchallenged in its rape and torture of children on a small island off the coast of Europe speaks volumes about royalty, British society, and its taboos.

The engineers of Epstein's island, though repugnant in their own right, had at least the social-awareness to place their child-rape camp in a remote corner of the world. The British Royals, however, enacted their abuse of children almost in plain daylight. The perpetrators of this malice felt confident to roam the streets, in their gold-hats and robes, while swathes of adoring-masses waved and cheered.

The United Kingdom has become an international disgrace. The word 'royal' is, here in North America, a synonym for kid-fucker. Yet, the royal pedophile-ring still occupies palaces in the United "King"-dom. These are the lasting-scars of a disease that will take years to fully recover from.

Even the British passport has the logo of a pedophile-ring on it: The insignia of the Crown.

As with swastikas after the fall of Nazi Germany, the British will find reminders of their participation in war-crimes across their banknotes; tax-documents; birth-certificates; and official buildings. It will take decades to physically-remove these symbols of child-rape and violence.

The Monarchy has collapsed, and their United 'King'-dom with it. Humanity stands in the early-light of a bright new horizon: A world where children need not fear being raped by the King and his international criminal-gangs.

The Monarchy; the British police; Parliament; and the Freemason-pedophiles are in ruins. Their tactics known; their crimes exposed; their empire in flames.


    1. I won a Guardian Media Award (2000) for my journalism while News Editor on Exeposé. My articles exposing corruption in Exeter University were selected for the award, which was collected on my behalf by Editors Jared Mark Wilson and Richard Thurston. These two editors participated in the cover-up of student-rape, and I have previously written on this topic. My award-winning articles can be found throughout Exeposé, and were written in collaboration with Deputy News Editor, David Tonkin.
    2. I worked for The Telegraph newspaper as a features writer, and weekly technology-product columnist, reporting to Claudine Beaumont. I worked for The Times in Wapping, London, as a writer and researcher for news infographics, reporting to Martin Barrow.
    3. I worked for the BBC in both Manchester and London. I won a BBC Talent Competition which resulted in my long-term employment by the BBC, first in programme-development, and later as a post-production engineer on BBC Radio 4's The Message hosted by Jenni Murray. I also worked for BBC Radio One, as a post-production audio-engineer for Mark Radcliffe and Marc Riley. During this time, I was under the management of Mario Dubois who, unlike most others at the BBC, did have integrity. I saw, from the inside, how deeply corrupt and submissive-to-the-Crown the British television system is. The Telegraph newspaper celebrated my employment by the BBC in a major feature published on Thursday, November 28, 2002, on page 23. In the article I am interviewed by journalist Bryony Gordon.
    4. "In 2013, a retired Leeds police officer told The Telegraph how he had once reported an incident involving Savile and a minor, only to be told: 'Shut up, son. He's got friends in high places"... an active police inspector was acting as the chauffeur and minder of a man now known to be a psycopathic sexual predator..." - The Huffington Post
    5. When interviewed by Michael Parkinson, in a television broadcast, Jimmy Savile clearly describes how he supplied at least one child to Prince Philip; ushering the child past palace guards.
    6. My sting-operation ran for more than a year, and is fully-documented with all original email correspondence from the police in my possession, and also held by multiple lawyers. This correspondance is also available to review in this video.
    7. The oath sworn by all members of the British Police can be read here. The passage of most interest is, "I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly service the King in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality..."
    8. Jimmy Savile's directorship of Outward Bound Global is clearly evidenced in official records. His address is listed as: Flat 84, 22 Park Crescent, London, Greater London, W1N 3PE
    9. King's House Schoolchild, James Rainbird, is credited across pressings of Cliff Richard's Mistletoe & Wine single and other editions. For example, on the record-sleeve to the vinyl edition of Together With Cliff Richard (1991), James Rainbird is credited as "Chorister".
    10. In 1995, Cliff Richard was 'awarded' a Knighthood which was personally bestowed upon him by the now-dead Queen of England.
    11. The British Monarchy is now known to be the world's largest pedophile ring. Its power derived from the endemic rape of children at locations like the Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library.
    12. Not only did Margaret Thatcher cover-up the abuse of children throughout government, but she endorsed knighthoods for those she knew were pedophiles.
    13. "In 2007 and 2008, Surrey Police investigated three complaints that Savile had “engaged in sexual behaviour with young girls”. During the same period, Sussex Police investigated a similar complaint involving a young woman." - Fullfact.org

About Phoenix Kaspian
Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.