Welcome to Voice Of Liberated Children

The Testament

By Aria & Phoenix
31st August, 2024 —

Aria as a child

This is a transcript of a video interview with Aria (pictured above, as a child). Aria describes ritual-abuse by Freemason gangs in London. She also shows incriminating video-footage of her father, a pedophile-Freemason.

If you would prefer to watch the original video-recording on which this transcript is based, you can download a zip file containing the original video file by clicking here. The transcript below is lightly edited for legibility, and to add new information.

ARIA: This is a video showing me as a kid. I was around 11 or 12 years old when this video was recorded. I was going to school every day. On the surface. I had a normal life. But ever since I was a young child I was being raped by my father. But it got a lot worse as I got older.

My father is a Freemason. I was taken to a lot of rituals in central London in the Grand Lodge or, sometimes, more locally in the local area where I lived, which was in Richmond, Teddington.

PHOENIX: What was the main way in which the Freemasons abused children, and you specifically?

ARIA: The main way was rape, but the worst ways were using children's hands to kill another being.

PHOENIX: Can you describe that type of abuse? Just so that viewers can then understand what you're acting out here as children, in this video.

ARIA: I saw a little boy being murdered by the Freemason group. This particular ritual took place in the Freemason's Grand Lodge in London. I've talked about it in other videos.

There were many little boys. I saw children being raped in different rooms in this Freemason Building. Little boys, and me, were taken into rooms and raped by these men. This boy, he was lying on the altar, and then they made each little boy, in turn, come up and stab him with a knife in the heart, to kill him.

PHOENIX: Why do you think they did that?

ARIA: To have power over children, so that we won't speak out.

PHOENIX: There is footage here that includes your father. He was the man who took you to these Freemasonic lodges. He participated in rituals in which you were abused, together with other children.

What is your intention in sharing this video and what is your intention in showing your father in this video?

ARIA: I hope this video can help people identify children that are being abused, in order to help those children find support and help. It is especially important to see the ways in which children express trauma through play. Children will often act-out in public what's happening to them in private. Children who have faced extreme violence are often masters at hiding what's been done to them. This is because their life depends on it.

PHOENIX: I also wanted to talk about my intention in making this video: I do not want any more children to be abused by the Freemasons. I do not want any more children to be abused by their fathers, or for adults around those children to ignore what is being done.

The man who you see in this video is Aria's father. He is an abuser. He is a member of the Freemasons. He is not the only member of the Freemasons. He is not the only abuser. In fact, my experience in England would indicate that this type of family situation is not unusual in England. Our intention with this video is not to single out this individual for attack. It's to demonstrate, to others, the signs that children exhibit when they're being abused. I also want to make it clear to other Freemasons that, when you abuse children, you will be exposed.

Aria, and I, are not scared of speaking out against these men. I don't want to live in a world anymore where this is permitted and where it's covered up.

ARIA: My mother was actually filming this. Me and my friend had planned the film together: How we wanted it to be shot; all the different elements; and the storyline.

PHOENIX: You talked to me before about how what you and your friend act out here. This is a way of you processing the ritual in the Freemason Lodge in London, in which you saw a little boy killed.

ARIA: Yes, so this is my friend. She is playing the murder victim. She hears a noise so she goes to the door, and she's shot.

PHOENIX: You've shot her.

ARIA: In this play-act, I've shot her. Yeah.

PHOENIX: In this reenactment, you're playing the role of the murderer, which is a role that you were forced into as a child, with other children, it sounds like.

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: At some of these rituals, you were forced by this Freemason group to enact violence on other children, in order to traumatize you as a child.

ARIA: As a normal human being, you feel immense feelings of guilt, and disgust, and horror because you feel responsible. You feel like you have committed this murder, and it's the worst feeling in the world to be carrying around, and it's impossible for you, as a child, to realize that you were not the murderer; that it was the group; that it was the people who forced you into that position. Also, it was always the abuser that made the movement to end the other being's life. It never came from you; as a child. Without the abuser making that movement, there never would have been a death.

In this case, with the little boy, I refused to participate in the little boy's murder and I hid, away from it. I was spared having to participate like the other little boys. On other occasions, like with a cat that was killed, the abuser, my father, used my hand to make the movement. But, without him forcing my arm, the death would never have happened, so again, it comes back to the abuser as the murderer, and not me as a child.

In this video you see me, the 'murderer', going into the house and into a cupboard. I'm wearing a long black robe, black gloves, my face is covered. This is exactly the sort of attire that the Freemasons wear in their rituals.

PHOENIX: In this opening scene of the reenactment, with your friend, you dress as the Freemasons were dressed in the rituals. In a sense you're both showing how it was that the Freemasons appeared, and you're processing the trauma by assuming the role of the aggressor in order to understand and process what it was that happened to you.

ARIA: Yes. I go into the cupboard. The cupboard is a really important part of the house because, in this cupboard, there were loads of shoes in different bags. My father was keeping a lot of drugs in these shoes, which were administered to me in the ceremonies, to further increase my confusion and disorientation.

PHOENIX: Your father hid the drugs that he was using to sedate you before you were taken to the rituals; in which you're abused and raped and tortured. He was hiding those drugs in the shoes and the shoe cupboard.

ARIA: To return to the video-footage: You can see that I go into a bag, and I open it, and inside is a document and on it is written "The Testament". I think the word 'testament' is very apt because I feel this is video is a testament to what happened.

It is an account of the truth. The testament to my experiences as a child. In the scene in the video we're looking at now, we see a 'detective' who's looking into the computer. I was never actually normally allowed access to the computer. My father had a lot of pornographic films on the computer, images of child abuse.

PHOENIX: So, in the video, this outline of the body on the floor, and the blood on top of it, you told me that you understand this, now, as your means of processing as a child what was happening in these rituals.

You've described how a little boy was murdered using the forced participation of other children in that murder, coerced by the Freemasons.

ARIA: Yes, at the Grand Lodge in London.

PHOENIX: Yes, not some small local Lodge, but the Grand Lodge. That's not some tiny splinter group of the Freemasons. This Grand Lodge is connected to the the establishment, the government. Prince Philip for example is an extremely high-ranking freemason. Prince Philip, of course, is husband of the Queen, Father to Prince Andrew, who we now know is a man who rapes trafficked children.

Prince Phillip was also best friends with Jimmy Savile. As we've described in a previous video, Prince Phillip was patron at a camp where I was ritually abused called Outward Bound. That camp, Outward Bound, and the group Outward Bound Global, was under the directorship of Jimmy Savile. You can look this up in official records: Jimmy Savile was the director of a group of camps, and to return to this scene here.

So, there's a lot of blood on the floor, and you and your friend who are playing the roles of detectives are attempting to determine who it was that committed this murder.

ARIA: There's blood on the hands. There was also blood on the hands in these ceremonies. In this video, you can see that we're acting-out the kind of normal-thing that detectives do. They take pictures for evidence of what's happened. Many of the abuse experiences at Freemason temples involved cameras, and men who took images of me as a child. Here in the video, we are acting-out that experience.

PHOENIX: Typically, photographs were taken of you as you were being abused, and other children as they were being coerced to participate in the torture of other children. Now, in this video, in reenacting it, you are the one taking the photos.

ARIA: I remember being in the attic when I was a small child, and my father took me up there and took photos of me naked.

PHOENIX: But, it's interesting because I hadn't heard that from you before. My father also took me and my sister into the Attic to take photographs of us. The more I learn about your experiences as a kid, Aria, the more I discover how similar so many British families are, and it's not surprising given who the Royal Family are.

It's interesting how those who are at the highest levels of the social hierarchy in the UK, their behavior and their abuse of children is mirrored in the abuse that's committed by those throughout the society.

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: You and your friend have acted out collecting evidence. Your friend just took a swab of some blood.

ARIA: Yes, you can see how uncomfortable I look in this part of the video. Here, I'm talking to my mother. The first thing I do is wipe my hand across my face.

This sort of gesture is repeated quite a lot in the film and it seems almost like a mask, that I have to wear when my mother is present in the room. I seem a lot more compliant.

I feel really strongly like I'm showing our relationship here. I was being manipulated by her. She had so much control over me. You can see my discomfort. I'm restraining one hand. I'm doing this because I feel so anxious.

I feel incredibly anxious, otherwise I think I would probably just shake or make random movements out of fear.

PHOENIX: You're restraining yourself?

ARIA: Yeah. And also protecting myself. I've got my arm across my body, which is a very protective move.

[Mother speaking in video]

My mother said "penetrated the heart", which is quite violent language. The word "penetrate", as well.

PHOENIX: And, when your mother says penetrated the heart, it sounds like she's describing there what it was you witnessed at the Freemason Lodge: Children being forced to penetrate the heart of a little boy.

ARIA: Yes. You can see as well I'm nodding a lot, looking at my mother a lot. This is something that children are taught to do in violent households. You have to show so much respect to adults. You look very compliant a lot of the time because that was forced upon you.

PHOENIX: Because of the structure of British society, you were constantly looking to your mother to let you know whether everything you were doing was okay because, if it wasn't, there would be a threat of violence?

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: It's also interesting because the UK has a monarch, a Queen, who many people look to for approval, and if they don't get approval there is a risk of violence.

It's interesting that there's a relationship between the British family in the house, and also the overarching British family, the Royal Family. This exposes the nature of hierarchy in the British establishment. These social-structures operate on two different scales: Both inside your family, and also in wider society.

ARIA: If you think about the "Queen's Speech" every Christmas. Many families watch this and nod along and say "yes" to it, just like I'm doing to my mother, or the "National Anthem" how we sing along.

PHOENIX: The British National Anthem is fascinating because it contains the lines:

"God save our gracious Queen... Long to reign over us"

An entire nation gleefully sings along with the notion of it being ruled over by a monarch. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and tragic. These is the same British society who are desperately seeking something they think is "sovereignty". But you can't have sovereignty if you have a sovereign. You cannot have personal freedom if someone rules over you, and you sing, gleefully, inviting that person to reign over you, "long to reign over us."

In watching Aria's video footage I'm also drawn back to my own experiences of London, and growing up as a kid. So there are certain emotions and memories that are rising up for me, but one of them is the strange ritual of chanting this national anthem. The strange reverence that we gave to this old lady in a gold hat, who was on every bank note.

It's a very strange cult they've got running over there. The very definition of a cult is you have a single charismatic leader who rules or reigns over you.

ARIA: To return to the video footage: We have now entered the back room of the house. This is where my father had his study.

PHOENIX: At this point in your reenactment of this crime that's been committed, you've walked into the back room, and you're questioning your father.

Both you and your friends are playing the roles of detectives and your father is playing the role of a suspect.

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: I imagine that, as children, this is probably what you wished could have happened: that two detectives could have come into the house and questioned your father.

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: You begin to question your father while your friend takes photographs of him; or acts out taking photographs of him. I think this scene is very interesting because we have a situation that I think many children in England wish could have happened.

As children, we wished there had been detectives who could have come into our houses and investigated what was being done to us. But, of course, in England at the time, and still now, we know that two-thirds of British police officers refuse to answer the question: "Are you a member of the Freemasons?"

Two-thirds. One of the highest-ranking Freemasons is Prince Philip. So you effectively have a secret police force running within the existing police force. It's very hard for any children who are experiencing abuse to speak out, and be heard. The majority of police officers who turn up if a child requests help will be members of the occult groups abusing children.

ARIA: Yes.

PHOENIX: And the Freemasons, who are represented by a checkerboard pattern, have their logo wrapped around the heads of British police officers. That logo was put there, the checkerboard pattern, was put there by Percy Sillitoe, who was a prominent Freemason who designed the police uniforms.

You wonder what is it going to take to wake people up. When you literally wrap the logo of the Freemasons around the heads of British police officers... I'm very confused about British society. I'm very confused about how it got to the point where the Freemasons, a known pedophile-ring, are in control of law enforcement in the UK.

Just to return to the video, you're questioning your father.

ARIA: My friend is showing an image of the body and the wounds. Like you're saying, it would have been my dream, as a child, to have detectives come in and ask questions about what's happening.

You see that my dad looks at the camera, and you can see that dead behind his eyes. It's important to note that my mum was filming this part, so my father was sort-of communicating with her. I don't know what he's trying to communicate.

PHOENIX: To me, the look that your father gives the camera is a kind of a knowing-arrogance. He's looking at the camera, held by your mother, and implying 'I am in control here. I know what's happening.' He thinks you're stupid.

But, to me, looking at this footage, I think you're both very clever children because you're acting out what it is that happened to you.

You know that your mother is making a record of it, and perhaps you know that at some point in the future, you'll be able to get this footage and use it as a means by which to help other children.

ARIA: I think so. I think we were actually very aware of what was happening and we knew, as well, that through the power of play, and through fantasy, we were able to tell the true story.

We knew that this was a good way to make a record of what was being done to us because many adults don't understand this language. Whereas, actually, for people who are connected to themselves, the subtext and metaphors are very clear.

To return to the video: In this scene, we're acting-out going to a gun shop. We are two detectives doing their investigation. We ask about different guns, and my father reels off like a whole list of different weapons.

I don't think this is normal standard knowledge. It's very specific gun knowledge, and it shows my father's arrogance, his feeling that he just won't get caught.

PHOENIX: This is a very revealing scene in which your father lists a series of guns quite quickly to you, and quite nonchalantly, as if this is knowledge that he's quite familiar with.

ARIA: He's mainly just showing what a dangerous person he was. He was living in a world where he knew about weapons, and how to commit crimes, and how to cover it all up.

He was living in this dark milieu of drugs and violence, and he thought he was a very important Freemason. I guess he had a lot of power in this underground world.

Now we're watching the last scene in the video. Up until this point, I've been very clear in what I'm trying to communicate, as a child.

It's important to me that I show who committed the murders; pointing the finger at my father because he was a leading Freemason, and involved in all these crimes. He was perpetrating the crimes; he was organizing the crimes.

But, for me, the play-act in the video is real. I'm depicting what's happening in real life. It's not a play to me.

At this point in the video, you see me laughing, when the detective says the name of the murderer. Because I at this point, my true emotions spill out. The detective names the wrong person, and it seems absurd, it seems ridiculous to me, that this is the murderer. I know who the murderer is: It's my father. It's not this random made-up name.

PHOENIX: In reality, you have reported to the police the activities of your father, and the abuse perpetrated these Freemasonic groups. What has happened?

ARIA: Nothing has happened. The police pretended to start an investigation. Ultimately, they said they will not continue with it.

You see, at the end of this video, I'm led out. I'm named as the guilty one. I'm charged, yes me as a child. In the video, I'm going to go to prison. This is basically how you feel as the victim. You're the one that is sentenced.

It's already a life sentence to carry around the pain and terror of what happened to you. On top of that, the police are so corrupt that they blame the survivor for upsetting the Freemasonic system of abuse. As survivors, we're made to feel like the guilty ones. The whole time I was treated as a suspects by the police.

PHOENIX: There is a secret-society running the British police force, headed by Prince Philip, who we now know was associated closely with Jimmy Savile, who ran a network of camps called Outward Bound at which children were raped and abused.

Prince Charles was very close friends with Jimmy Savile, who was marriage counselor to Charles and Diana. He had intimate access to all of the Royal Family's properties, among other properties.

We also know Prince Philip's other son Prince Andrew raped sex-trafficked children supplied to him by Jeffrey Epstein. This is all public information now.

When you have a police force in which two-thirds of those in the police force are members of the Freemasons, it's not very surprising that when a child, or an adult, reports the abuse of children, that the police turn the survivors into the criminals.

It's got to the point where it's become ridiculous. If you report the abuse of children to the British police force in connection with the British Establishment then you become the criminal. Instantly, you become the criminal because the British police force, and the Freemasons are effectively the same group. They are a pedophile-ring.

About Phoenix Kaspian
Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.