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Children of the Crown

By Chris Stevens / Phoenix Kaspian
25th August, 2024 —

Steven Spielberg Pedophile Scandal

I am a Guardian-award-winning journalist previously employed by The Times and The Telegraph newspapers. As a child, I was sent to King's House School in London. This 'exclusive' private school has recently been exposed for operating one of the UK's largest-known pedophile-rings. The King's House Royal-Rape scandal now engulfs King Charles; Steven Spielberg (pictured above); Lord-Baron Zac Goldsmith; and other 'celebrities'.

King's House School has been evidenced supplying children to pop-stars and other public figures. The school has also been caught erasing two pedophile-headmasters from its historical record. In one case, the school erased a decade of records to conceal a headmaster, Neville Chaplin, who was charged with raping boys.

As a child, I personally witnessed the prostitution of children at King's House to numerous 'elite' clients across London. I am now protected, in North America, and can finally share my experiences of King's House School, and fully-expose the pedophile-British-Monarchy.

The Royal Rapists

Survivors of 'elite' schools, like King's House, risk their lives when speaking out against the endemic-pedophilia that sustains the British Crown and government. As a result of my previous writing on this topic, the British monarchy have made multiple attempts to kill me, including sending an armed-soldier into the lobby of a major North American hotel.

I reported on this failed murder-attempt in a previous article. Violence is the only language that the Royal-Rapists know how to speak. In the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, society has been forced to accept that the 'royals' are utterly depraved.

I am immensely grateful to other children who attended King's House, now adults, who have provided me with the evidence on which this article is based. Together, we are helping each other to heal from this disgraceful phase in human history.

While at King's House, I was sent, with other children, to a ritual-abuse camp in the North of the UK. This "Outward Bound" camp was patronized1 by Prince Philip; husband to the now-dead British Queen. The camp was also under the legal directorship2 of notorious pedophile, Jimmy Savile.

The same camp was also officially patronized3 by the notorious-pedophile Prince Andrew, who, it is widely reported, raped trafficked-children4 supplied to him by Jeffrey Epstein. Later in this article, I will expose this camp, and report on the murder of a child.

Room Service

When I was a child, at King's House, the school supplied children to movie-director Steven Spielberg; the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber; and numerous other 'celebrities'. During this time, I was a member of the school's Chamber Choir; a select-group of students who were enlisted to sing at the highest-level of the music-industry.

This Chamber Choir provided services5 for chart-topping bands. We sung on major movie-soundtracks, and performed at venues like the Royal Festival Hall; the Barbican; and Abbey Road Studios. This was, however, frequently simply the pretext under which we were, as children, prostituted across London to 'elite' clients.

This prostitution of King's House Students reached its zenith during the Christmas period. Every year, during this time, I was, together with other children from the choir, toured around numerous 'elite' London hotels. Although the school's Chamber Choir would sing carols at these venues, it was not our voices that the clientele of these hotels were interested in. Their fascination lay elsewhere: Choir boys would be siphoned off into rooms and sexually abused by London's sick, and extremely wealthy, 'elite'.

The hotels, in which I, and other children, were abused, included Claridges and The Ritz. These two hotels are considered by the British Establishment to be jewels in their crown. When I was a child, this appeared to mean that, inside these hotels, the British-aristocrasy were free to brutalize school children while sipping champagne.

King's House School supplied children across these hotels like room-service. The school received considerable payment for its prostitution of children across London. King's House did not supply children for free; the school was paid money; lots of money. Of course, the greatest cost was to us; to the mental and physical health of children as young as ten-years-old. Some of my friends killed themselves on account of abuse at the school.

Children for Steven Spielberg

King's House School supplied at least one child to Steven Spielberg during the time I was enrolled there. Spielberg was famous for movies like Poltergeist, which starred six-year old Heather O'Rourke. And ET which starred seven-year-old Drew Barrymore, together with 11-year old, Henry Jackson Thomas.

My school-friend, James Rainbird, was 12-years-old at the time that the King's House supplied him to Spielberg. Rainbird sung for the Spielberg movie Empire of the Sun, starring 13-year-old Christian Bale. In the photograph below, you can see Christian Bale and Spielberg on the set of Empire of the Sun.

James Rainbird was in Spielberg's preferred age-bracket for children, as we can see from the director's casting choices throughout his career.

In the photograph below, you can see Steven Spielberg (pictured center) with Heather O'Rourke (pictured left), who was seven-years-old while working for Spielberg. On the right is Drew Barrymore who was seven-years-old when first supplied to Spielberg for the filming of ET.

My music teacher at King's House School, Michael Stuckey, sexually abused me on multiple occasions. He supplied James Rainbird to Steven Spielberg, and then wrote an article about it in the 1987 issue of King's House School magazine. In the same article, Stuckey describes how Rainbird was also supplied to perform for the Prince of Wales, now King Charles.

The article also evidences how Rainbird was supplied to Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the BBC. The BBC, obviously, is notorious for enabling Jimmy Savile to roam its buildings, freely raping children6 throughout the 1980s. Stuckey writes of Rainbird:

James Rainbird's career has involved all of the above events, and branched off in other directions: from 'Amahl' to being a guest soloist for BBC Radio 'Friday Night is Music Night', to LWT 'Gala Night of 100 Stars' to the 1997 Cannes Film Festival singing 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' to Sir Alec Guiness and The Prince of Wales, to recording the soundtrack for Spielberg's 'Empire of the Sun' to Lloyd Webber's 'Requiem' in Norway...
Notice that Stuckey refers to James Rainbird's "career". This was a 12-year-old school-child. Throughout the same article, Stuckey repeatedly states that he "supplied" other groups of children to various celebrities. This 1987 issue of the King's House School Magazine can be downloaded as a scanned PDF document.

My music teacher's brazen-confidence in writing this printed-article is similar to what we have seen from others. These 'teachers' are so blind to their own stupidity that they leave a trail evidencing their true-attitudes towards children. Thankfully, Stuckey died of a brain-hemorrhage shortly after I joined the school. Many children were then spared his ongoing tyranny.

This was not the last time that Steven Spielberg would become entwined with my experiences at school. Years later, Spielberg could be found haunting7 Elstree Studios, which is an eight-minute drive from the Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library. Here, I witnessed children being abused by politicians and other public-figures in organized rituals.

The movie-related work of Spielberg was very familiar and immediate to both me and my school-friends at Aldenham School. He is an extremely prolific, and challenging, filmmaker. Much of his work remains unseen by the public. Such is the nature of Hollywood's careful editing processes.

Drenched in Blackmail

The abuse of King's House school children, like me, at elite hotels, was often filmed. I now understand that the abuse was filmed because elite pedophile-rings, like the Freemasons, use this video as blackmail-material to gain power over 'actors', 'directors', 'musicians' and 'politicians'.

Once a Freemason (predatory-pedophile) is sufficiently compromised, they are placed in a position of authority in British society, or elsewhere. What happened in these hotels, to me and other children, is the means by which the British Monarchy reigns: It does so by abusing children; and collecting blackmail material on others who it encourages to abuse children.

The British Establishment is forged almost entirely of pedophiles. This situation is engineered by the Crown out of necessity: The British Monarchy cannot risk any politician rising to significance who might question why psychopaths in gold hats sit in luxurious palaces like beasts from some odd fairy-tale.

The apex-predators who sit at the top of any monarchy must, in every moment, distract from the plain-stupidity of their reign by causing chaos and hardship. The task of terrorizing the British citizenry into constant-confusion, therefore, falls to the UK's political-classes who, through necessity, are almost all pedophiles. If they were not pedophiles, they could not be controlled, and would not be allowed to hold office.

This is the unspoken fuel of British-influence in global politics. The British government rules by child-abuse. To speak out against this is the ultimate taboo. Many British citizens will go through all manner of contortions to avoid confronting this.

Many UK citizens preoccupy themselves with the daily trivialities of what the corrupt-media tells them is 'happening'. What citizens are told is 'happening' is whatever the British 'media' has decided, on that particular day, will sufficiently distract the citizen from the brazen horror of being ruled over by known-pedophiles. Sadly, failing to confront the epidemic of child-rape in the UK leads, as we have recently seen, to genocide.

During the British Monarchy's most-recent attempted-genocide, certain public figures were, curiously, completely immune to the fear and panic that was being spread throughout society.

For example, Lord-Baron Zac Goldsmith, famously held a massive party for himself and other politicians, while they were simultaneously telling the rest of British society that something deadly, invisible, and contagious was coming to kill us all. Why were Zac Goldsmith and his 'elite' friends apparently entirely immune to this new, invisible, and deadly, disease? What, precisely, were the 'elite' celebrating at these secret parties8 during the time that, by their own insistence, a 'deadly virus' raged elsewhere?

The Schooling of Zac Goldsmith

Zac Goldsmith was a student at King's House School. The same school that raped, tortured, and prostituted me as a child. Zac Goldsmith was a Member of Parliament for Richmond, where the school is located. Goldsmith has been hailed by Tatler magazine9 as "Britain’s most connected politician".

Zac Goldsmith was the husband of banking heiress Alice Rothschild. Zac Goldsmith is also the son of Sir James ‘Jimmy’ Goldsmith10 and Lady Annabel. In other words: Zac Goldsmith is a prototypical figure in the British Establishment. If you look-up "entrenched-power" in your dictionary, Zac Goldsmith's photograph is probably printed there. In the photograph below, you can see Goldsmith and King Charles deep in conversation.

King Charles and Zac Goldsmith

How do political figures like 'party-while-you-pandemic'-Zac-Goldsmith get made? What is it that is done to children like Zac at King's House to turn them into puppets of the Crown? What fueled the hate and fury of Goldsmith; leading him to participate in such horror?

I am in a position to answer that question: Children like Zac get sent to schools like King's House. Here, they are raped and beaten into submission. The most compliant children are then fed into politics, where they unleash their unquenchable anger on the citizenry; while given access to their drug of choice (children); and blackmailed into oblivion.

Should a 'politician' ever think of escape, they are smeared in the media, threatened, or killed. How do I know all this? I went to Zac's school. I was trained-up to become one of the 'elite' who rule over you. This 'training' consisted of relentless abuse and threats from 'teachers'.

Zac Goldsmith is a treasured alumni of King's House Royal-Rape School. Goldsmith's photograph appears proudly on the school's website.

There is a disturbing series of photographs linked here, which show precisely the long-term consequence of child-abuse at King's House School. In these photographs, Zac Goldsmith can be seen 'acting-out' the unhealed trauma of his childhood on another generation of children.

Until schools like King's House are shut down, British citizens will know only pedophiles as their leaders. It is in these Royal-Rape schools that Britain's 'leaders' are manufactured.

Outward Bound

I was taken by teachers at King's House School to a "camp" run by an organization called Outward Bound. The camp was extremely isolated. It was by a lake in the North of the UK.

Three teachers11 took us to the camp. Our science teacher, Peter Cowlyn; our history teacher, Alistair Newman (pictured below); and our English teacher, Richard Sewell. All three of these teachers were employed by King’s House School in Richmond, London. I have previously reported on widespread sexual abuse by teachers at this school, including the headmaster, Neville Chaplin who was, years after I left the school, charged with raping boys at a previous school.

Alistair Newman - King's House Pedophile'

We were driven to the camp in two different minibuses. I remember, when I arrived there, feeling very isolated. On the way to the camp, we’d stopped at Alton Towers, which is a theme park.

The English teacher, Richard Sewell, who had previously sexually abused me at the school, kept trying to molest me on rides at the theme park. I had this growing awareness, on the mini-bus journey to the camp, that those who were taking us to the camp were grooming different children in the group. As we got closer to the camp, a deep fear grew in me.

There was a familiarity to the method of these abusers. As with many other abuse-experiences in the UK, there was an initial-fraud, during which children would be told they were going to have "fun" on an "adventure". Despite this, I wanted to go to the theme park, and I liked the idea of going on an adventure holiday because I had seen the brochures that they had at school. Despite the enduring horror of being a child in the UK, there remained a blind hope in me that this time things would be different.

Another photograph of Alistair Newman - King's House Pedophile

I was hoping that; despite all the odds; despite the fact that child-abuse permeated every aspect of British society; that this was really going to be an adventure holiday. I hoped that it would be something enjoyable that I could participate in with adults. I hoped it was an experience that I could be involved in without being abused.

Space Invaders

When the mini-buses arrived at the camp, I saw that it was very isolated. There was a house; a lake; and a boat dock. In the house, there was a recreation-room with a Space Invaders video-arcade machine. It was one of the old video-games that was under a glass sheet, embedded in a table. The game took twenty-pence coins and I remember that; between being abused; a lot of the children would hang out in that recreation room. We’d put twenty-pence pieces into the Space Invaders machine.

The video-arcade machine felt like a way of distracting ourselves from what was happening. I remember being very worried, as I think the other kids were, that we’d run out of twenty pence pieces. It felt like this video game machine was the only way in which we could escape from the camp. It was the only experience in the camp where I felt like I wasn’t in the camp.

A Coin-operated tabletop Space Invaders machine

For a few minutes, we could sit in front of this Space Invaders12 machine and almost not be there in the camp. It was an escape. I’m very glad that someone made that game and put it there. This arcade machine is photographed above; although it is not the actual machine from the camp.

As children, huddled around the Space Invaders machine at the camp, we could, briefly blast-away at the pixellated attackers on the video-game screen. Back in reality, however, we were helpless in the face of the perverted-psychopaths who attacked us every night at the camp.

Later, I went on to design videogames. I hoped that some kid in the UK might play one of the games that I helped create and, for a while, be able to escape the horror of where he was too. One of the games I co-designed and illustrated was called Kiwanuka. In Kiwanuku, children hold-hands to create bridges and rescue other children from captivity.

The Kiwanuka videogame by CMA Megacorp

Kiwanuka shipped over a hundred-thousand copies across the world. Today, alongside my engineering work, I program open-source video-editing software. I continue to do what I can to expand human-awareness through the art of electronics.

Organized Rituals

Very early in the morning, men would visit the camp. Cars would pull up in the driveway. And men would emerge from the vehicles. The men would take us into different rooms and they would abuse us. I could hear kids being abused in the other rooms. I have my own experiences of being abused there.

I remember dreading that moment, in the darkness of early morning, when I’d be woken up and taken out of my bed. I was burned by the men after being abused. Often with cigarettes. I remember the violence of the rapes that I was subjected to. The men were dressed in different costumes. Some of them were dressed as police officers. Some of them wore masks. It was filmed.

I feel very, very angry at those men. I feel very angry at King's House School. I feel very sad at what happened to me. And I feel very strong. I feel like they relied on me never being this strong. They rely on the children they abuse never being strong enough to speak out. They thought they had ensured our silence by using a series of practices which are well-known as ritual-abuse techniques.

One of these techniques is to tie a child’s leg to the ceiling and to spin the child13 from a rope until the child is so disorientated that they will submit to anything. This 'spinning' splits the psyches of children. To barricade against the trauma, children wall-off parts of their experience. As children, we would do anything to avoid remembering, or feeling, the pain of that torture.

After I was spun, I was also taken to the lake where the men would nearly drown me. They would push me under the water until I was nearly drowned and then they would drag me out from the water. And they’d keep doing it. And they’d keep doing it, and they’d keep doing it.

The men seemed to know when it was that they’d conditioned us deeply-enough that we would never speak out. At this point, we would start wetting the beds in the dormitories at the camp.

As soon as these men had traumatized a child enough that they could regress the child to an earlier stage of development, they knew that they had done significant damage to the child's nervous-system. They must have known, at this point of regression-to-infancy, that it was very-unlikely that a child would ever speak out about what had been done to them.

The fact that we started wetting the beds was an indication to this pedophile-ring that they’d damaged us enough that they knew that it was safe to let us go. One of the abusers at the camp was referred to by the pedophile-gang as "The Duke"; I now understand that this person was Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Years later, I learned that Prince Philip14 and Jimmy Savile ran the Outward Bound camp network in the UK.

You can see Prince Philip and Jimmy Savile hanging out together in the photograph below. They are at a 'fund-raising' event for the Outward Bound camps that they ran together. The event took place in the Hilton Hotel, London, on May 8th, 1984. The money they raised was used to pay for the upkeep of their network of remote, child-rape camps.

Jimmy Savile and his intimate-friend Prince Philip

The Murder of Clare

The pedophile-ring kept other children at the camp. There was a girl called Clare. We became friends. As an adult, I now know that they were encouraging a deep-connection between Clare and I, because they planned to induce a severe-trauma. The bond that grew between me and Clare would later be used to terrorize us.

One evening, I was taken into a shed on the grounds of the camp and Clare was there. Clare has been tied in a chair. One of the men who was stood around her, had a fork in his hand. He told me to stab Clare with the fork. And I refused, and I started shouting. One of the men grabbed my hand, with the fork in it, and pushed it into Clare’s face. And he did that again and again.

After that, the men stood around me. They shouted at me, "Look at what you’ve done; look at what you’ve done; look at what you’ve done."

They kept shouting it until I believed that I had done that to Clare. But I had not done that. They had done that. And I don’t know how many children they have done this same thing to, but they did that to me. I don’t want them to do it to any more children.

At this camp, I was sexually abused; I was forced to participate in the murder of a girl called Clare. The patron of the camp was the Duke of Edinburgh; the husband of the British Queen. The extent to which British society tolerates child-abuse, and enabled these 'royal' apex-predators to roam the land, still disgusts me.

My attempts to report the murder of Clare were met with such fierce obstruction, that I ended up having to run a year-long sting-operation on the British Police force; demonstrating their utter complicity in the murder of children. You can watch my investigative report into the British Police, here.

The Burial Rituals

Witnessing the murder of Clare was only part of the abuse I was subjected to. On another night, I was taken with a group of children to a space outside the camp. Here, there were graves dug in the ground. The children were put into the graves and then the graves were partially-sealed. I was left there overnight. So I was essentially buried alive overnight.

I wasn’t aware of how long I’d been left there. I didn’t know if I would be taken out of the pit. This was, I now understand, another technique15 used to split the psyches of children through extreme trauma.

Some readers may think: This sounds wild and implausible. If you feel that, then it worked. Then exactly what the 'elite' pedophiles want you to believe, which is that this didn’t happen to me, that they couldn’t do this to children: It worked. Through their excess-of-violence, they rendered their crime implausible.

An Epic Cover Up

King's House School has erased over a decade of history to protect 'elite' pedophiles. Damning evidence shows that the school has deleted all trace of two pedophile-criminal headmasters from its own historical record.

For over a decade, between 1989 and 2002, King's House apparently had zero headmasters, according to the school's official record. In reality, during this time, the school (pictured below) had two headmasters.

The playground at King's House Royal Rape school'

A research-team in the USA assisted me with this part of my investigative report into King's House School. I am greatly indebted to their work in supporting the rights of children. Their original research, on which this account is partly-based, can be read here.

The first deleted-headmaster, Dr Brian Long, was prosecuted, multiple times, for fraud and embezzlement; appearing in various courtrooms16 and case-records.

The second deleted-headmaster, Neville James Chaplin, was charged with one count of sexual assault and three counts of the rape of a child, while deputy-headmaster17 at Swanbourne School. However, King's House School's 'official'-version of historical events looks like this:

Evidence of King's House erasing its historical record

I was raped and tortured at King's House School during the time that the school was run by headmasters David Dearle, Dr Brian Long, and Neville Chaplin. The school clearly feels confident acknowledging its employment of only one of these three pedophiles as headmaster. Throughout this time, an organized gang of teachers, including Chaplin himself, were free to rape and torture children as young as four years old.

The Vanishing Headmaster

The first headmaster that King's House School has erased-from-history is Dr Brian Long. I remember Dr Long as a duplicitous and angry man who was endlessly self-aggrandizing; giving long, meandering speeches to children, between overseeing assaults across the school.

Dr Brian Long was headmaster at King's House School from September 1989. Soon afterwards, Dr Long was put on trial, and found guilty of theft and deception18 at his previous school, St Michael's in Limpsfield, UK. Dr Long was also embroiled in multiple other fraud cases, including one which involved the misappropriation of funds in excess of quarter-of-a-million British pounds.

Neville James Chaplin

The second headmaster that King's House has 'erased' is Neville James Chaplin. This headmaster was a notorious pedophile who oversaw the abuse of hundreds of children at King's House. Chaplin often sexually-assaulted me, and worse, in 'detention' at the school. Chaplin previously worked as deputy-headmaster at Swanbourne School. In 2015, Chaplin was charged with raping children at Swanbourne.

Neville Chaplin was effectively headmaster of King's House School from September 1990 until 2002. The entire-time during which Neville Chaplin ran the school, raping and molesting children, has been completely erased from the school's historical record. According to King's House School, like his predecessor, Dr Brian Long, Neville Chaplin simply never existed.

The Brother Headmasters

The King's House pedophile-headmaster, Neville Chaplin, has a brother. His brother, David Chaplin, was also a headmaster, this time at Vinehall School; in the town of Robertsbridge, East Sussex. UK. You can see David Chaplin photographed below, in 1984, while working at Vinehall School.

David Chaplin at Vinehall School in 1984

Vinehall was a boarding school, where David Chaplin had immediate access to children; day and night. Here is a photograph of the 'dormitories' at Vinehall School:

The dormitories at Vinehall School in the 80s

David Chaplin had a habit of dressing-up. Here he is, again at Vinehall School, dressed as 'Fagin' from the play 'Oliver Twist'. You may recall that the character, Fagin, exploited young children who he recruited into a gang:

David Chaplin, headmaster at Vinehall School, dressed as Fagin

After their retirement from 'teaching' the pedophile-headmaster, Neville Chaplin, and his brother, David Chaplin, formed a 'children's charity' called Rwanda Aid. The brothers' work for this charity involved going to Rwanda and, based on photographic-evidence, spending as much time as they could around children.

Another Royal Mess

David Chaplin's work around children in Rwanda, undertaken in partnership with his brother, the-pedophile-Neville-Chaplin, was so 'successful' that David was awarded an OBE (a 'knighthood') by a the British Royal Family.

Tom Chaplin with his father, David Chaplin

In the photograph, above, you can see David Chaplin holding the 'royal' reward for his 'work' with Neville in Rwanda; an OBE. Next to Chaplin is his son, who you may recognize as Tom Chaplin, the lead-singer of British pop-band Keane

David Chaplin's son, Tom Chaplin, has been in trauma therapy for over ten years. On 22 August 2006, Tom Chaplin stated that he was receiving treatment for drug abuse problems. He told a reporter from Big Issue magazine:

I had problems with that which festered and were never really addressed. I lived alone with those feelings until my hand was forced to talk to someone. It was that or complete self-destruction. Behind pretty much every addict, there’s a trauma.
Tom Chaplin, lead-singer of the band Keane, is photographed below. Readers may want to consider the symbolic-meaning of Tom's wrist-band, given the evidence presented here. Also consider Tom's time being 'taught' at the Vinehall School; Tom's father's 'award' from the 'royals', and his uncle Neville's brutalization of the children at King's House School:

Tom Chaplin, lead-singer of the band Keane

In the wake of scandals involving his rape of children, Neville Chaplin quietly resigned from the charity in 2015, and has vanished from public view, while his brother, David, continues to interfere with children in Rwanda.

After Neville Chaplin 'retired' from King's House School, the school celebrated the pedophile-headmaster's 'work' for 'charity' in Rwanda by giving Neville a full-page article19 on Page 7 of the school's official brochure in 2011:

Pedophile, Nevile Chaplin, operating in Rwanda

One Teacher Jailed So Far

King's House School has been embroiled in multiple pedophile-ring cover-ups in the past. For example, in 2015, things got so bad that King's House was forced to make a media-statement regarding a former-teacher who raped on the school-grounds. Here is a copy of that statement:

King's House Media Statement regarding child-rape'

The Headmaster Mark Turner, writes in 2014, that the school was "saddened" and that the "welfare of our pupils is the highest priority".

Indeed, the school's sadness and concern for student's welfare is so high that it erased an entire decade of school-history to cover up the pedophile Headmaster Neville Chaplin. The school also deleted public-facing records20 demonstrating the supply of children to major pop-stars.

King of the Pedophiles

My experiences are typical of many children in the UK. I saw similar abuse happen to children around me. In the UK, society gives pedophiles gold-crowns and palaces; no wonder King's House School 'teachers' felt so confident in their crimes.

A close friend of mine killed himself on account of what was done to him by King's House School.

King Charles with intimate-friend Jimmy Savile

We can trace, over time, the radiating-consquences of what was done to children at this Royal-Rape school. Others who were sent to King's House School, like Lord Baron Zac Goldsmith, now wreak havoc across global-politics and the entertainment industry.

Many of the children that went to these so-called 'elite' schools, like King's House, are now in 'government'. Indeed, this is the foundation on which government in the UK is manufactured: The abuse of children at 'elite' schools. The Monarchy does not want healthy citizens at the reigns of power.

Journalist Cowards

Reports from survivors like me are completely excluded from the media. You won't find my account printed in a newspaper. Why is that? The answer to the question is probably obvious at this point: Who owns the newspapers? Where does their money come from? In what ways are media-conglomerates connected to those with money and power? What schools did these journalists go to?

Remember that King's House School supplied children to the BBC. Remember, also, that the BBC funded the rape of thousands of children on BBC property, and that it continues to refuse to broadcast any news of the British King's well-evidenced brutalization of children.

The BBC is utterly complicit in the rape of children. Hiding child-abuse is the entire-purpose of the BBC. The BBC operates under "Royal Charter", to distract British citizens from the horror of the monarchy's endemic pedophilia. Although it may nominally create "television shows"; all of these shows are predicated on the basis that they will not unseat the Pedophile King and his entourage of 'elite' child-rapists.

The BBC will never make the only broadcast that is of meaning or purpose for society: The BBC can never transmit the truth of who reigns over the UK.

The BBC Criminal Gang

Those who work at the BBC are complicit in a crime against children, and against humanity. Almost nothing created at the BBC can have any artistic-value because the BBC's primary-directive is to protect known-pedophiles. Working under this remit utterly-precludes the creation of great art. This is the main reason why the BBC is renowned, here in North America, for producing shit.

Jimmy Savile, who was intimate friends with the British Royal Family

Imagine exhuming, and cloning, the Nazi minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, and then installing his clones across multiple buildings, in multiple countries. You now have the faintest glimpse of how the BBC is structured. How do I know this? I worked21 there. I saw the influx of broken-children-now-adults that 'elite' schools feed into the corporation.

Mark Thompson, who was the director of the BBC during the time at which it was revealed that Jimmy Savile (pictured above) had molested over one thousand children22 on BBC property, was moved23 over to lead the New York Times. There exists a revolving-door of predator-sympathizers who are shuffled around television networks and newspaper offices.

Taught Not To Think

The legacy-media has actively militarized citizens against awareness. The legacy-media attempted to make independent-thought socially unacceptable. The establishment-media constantly gives citizens the impression that thinking-for-yourself is a vice. Does this seem odd? To champion a society where thinking is shameful?

Over the last few years, the pedophile-establishment tried to dust-off a slur invented by the CIA24 after the CIA's assasination of president JFK. In an apparently un-ironic fit of nostalgia, citizens were invited to hurl vintage-insults at anyone who questioned what was printed in a newspaper by billionaires. The reader was instructed that they should call any, and all, free-thinkers "Conspiracy Theorists". They should repeat this phrase constantly, like a bully's playground chant.

The rules of this game are made clear: Repeating only what the television says is cool, but saying what you personally think is not cool. You want to be cool, right? Right?

What would happen if we based an entire society on this mantra? You don't have to merely-imagine widespread news-parroting: You've just lived through four years of it. How did it go? Did we all enjoy parroting-the-bullshit-we-heard-on-television? Or did this chorus-of-idiots turn society to trash?

Power Celebrates Stupidity

Legacy power-systems, like the British-pedophile-monarchy, celebrate and promote stupidity in the societies they 'reign' over. Anyone in a monarchic society who questions the monarch, or the media who sustain the monarch, must be smeared. This smearing is done by encouraging the public to heckle anyone who looks like they might be breaking free of conformity.

Much of British society is a pedophile-cult, led by King Charles. If too many people leave his cult, the cult collapses. Free-thinkers pose a risk to the cult and, according to the rules of the cult, must be marginalized, harassed, smeared or, if all-else fails, killed.

It may be hard for someone who did not grow up in the UK to imagine what life is like under a pedophile-monarchy, and the ways in which the UK's cult-network enforces conformity. The first rule of British society is not to discuss that you are ruled over by pedophiles. This is the primary taboo.

It is also difficult for someone from the UK to perceive the cult which surrounds them; it has become the water in their fishtank; rendered near-invisible by its omnipresence. Indeed, the pedophile-cult in the UK is so pervasive that you cannot make a purchase in cash in Britain without exchanging an effigy showing members of the world's most notorious pedophile ring. This is because most British currency includes a picture25 of one of the Royal-pedophiles.

When a cult has entrenched itself this deeply into a society, its tentacles can be found everywhere. Because higher-intelligence threatens the pedophile-monarchy cult's continuing existence, the cult must celebrate stupidity and promote idiocy. This can be seen by switching to a BBC channel for ten minutes and observing closely what you see. The subtext of all programming is a celebration of mindlessness.

Just as the media excluded all critique of Jimmy Savile's rape of children from its broadcasts, so must it exclude King Charles. British society is founded on this principle: That pedophiles are ignored until dead. Once King Charles is dead, a series of documentaries will be made about how nobody had any idea that the King was a pedophile; and wasn't it all so awful and sad. Netflix and Apple are probably working on one right now. In a few months, you will buy it to stream. Well done.

The End of Royalty

I often think about what those abusers did to Clare; and I think about how many years I felt terrified and ashamed of what they made me do. I know that what Clare would have wanted me to do, and what I’m doing, is telling everyone I can about what they did to her. And to many other children like Clare.

I am also speaking out against King's House School, and all those politicians and public-figures who raped children supplied to them by teachers at this school. King's House cannot not survive in the bright-light of public-awareness. Its time is over.

The British Pedophile King, and his entourage of Freemason-rapists, have met their ultimate end: Complete public exposure; and collapse.


    1. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was officially a Trustee, Chairman and Patron of Outward Bound from 1953 until 2019.
    2. 'Sir' James Saville was Director of Outward Bound Global. His address is listed as: Flat 84, 22 Park Crescent, London, Greater London, W1N 3PE
    3. The notorious-pedophile, Prince Andrew, was Director of The Outward Bound Trust for ten years, before the Epstein child-rape scandal forced him into hiding.
    4. Jeffrey Epstein paid a child $15,000 to be raped by Prince Andrew in London. Flight logs show that Prince Andrew was in the locations where the rapes occurred.
    5. The King's House Chamber Choir sung on the soundtrack to Mad Max, Beyond Thunderdome (1985). The Choir also provided singers for numerous other bands, including Mike and the Mechanics on their hit-single In The Living Years (1988). The choir appears in the band's official video for the song.
    6. Savile abused at least 1000 children on BBC property alone. The British Royals gave Savile free-reign of the UK; encouraging him to rape children at hospitals, schools, and in Buckingham Palace; a location at which he actively supplied children to Prince Philip.
    7. Steven Spielberg was such a regular at Elstree Studios that they built a statue to commemorate him there. Elstree Studios is located just three miles from Aldenham School Royal-Rape Library.
    8. While several "lockdowns" were being inflicted on the citizens of the UK, parties took place at 10 Downing Street, its garden and other government and Conservative Party buildings. While politicans stoked fear in the public, behind closed-doors, the pedophile-elite delighted in their hoax; celebrating the public's stupidity, and the cleverness of their scheme to genocide us.
    9. In Tatler's October 2023 issue, the magazine described Zac Goldsmith as "Britain’s most connected politician" and reported that "Zac will always land on his feet: his little black book lists everyone...[Zac] can pick up the phone to anyone – the environment minister from some despotic regime elsewhere in the world – and get them to do stuff." Readers may recall another notorious 'influencer' who famously had a "Black Book".
    10. Sir 'Jimmy' Goldsmith was described by The Independent newspaper as a "dominating figure" and "the very archetype of that much-abused figure, the ruthless, rootless cosmopolitan financier." James Goldsmith was famous for an incident in which he somehow, mysteriously, foresaw the market-crash of the early 1970s. The Independent notes that "[Goldsmith] alone foresaw the crash... and liquidated his most vulnerable holdings." Clearly a psychic. Or could there be another explanation?
    11. The photographs of these three teachers who took us to the ritual-abuse camp can be viewed in my previous article. I chose not to reprint their faces here as they are disgusting to look at.
    12. Table-top style arcade games, like Space Invaders from the 80s are able to double as regular-tables that players can eat or drink off. I hope to see a revival of this type of arcade-game in restaurants of the future.
    13. More on the topic of the ritual-abuse technique of spinning a child can be found in the book Anti Ultra, available to download, here.
    14. After cross-referencing my experience at the camp with other survivors, I can be certain that it was Prince Philip who the pedophile gang referred to as 'The Duke'. I also have a photograph of Prince Philip at the camp grounds.
    15. More on the topic of live-burial of children as a traumatic-conditioning-technique can be found in the book Anti Ultra, available to download, here.
    16. King's House Headmaster, Dr Brian Long, "was found guilty of theft and deception", as reported in The Daily Telegraph, on Page 4, on Friday, April 26, 1991. Dr Brian Long had previously been announced, in the same newspaper, as Headmaster of King's House School. The announcement of his employment at the school can be found in The Daily Telegraph, Page 17, on Wednesday, September 6, 1989. However, according to King's House School's current account of history, Dr Long simply never existed.
    17. King's House Headmaster, Neville Chaplin, was charged with raping boys at Swanbourne School, as can be seen in this newspaper clipping.
    18. Dr Brian Long was one of three pedophile headmasters who 'reigned' over the school while I was a schoolchild there. Like the pedophile-Headmaster Neville Chaplin, Dr Long has been erased from the school's history. Only the pedophile-Headmaster David Dearle remains in the school's official account of its own past.
    19. You can download a PDF copy of the King's House School 2011 brochure. I provide it here so that other survivors can piece together the abuse they were subjected to at King's House School.
    20. Supporters of King's House School deleted a reference to the school providing choir-boys to the pop-band Mike and the Mechanics. A Wikipedia-entry referencing the school's well-documented supply of children to the band was erased on March 22, 2021. Just two days after it was added to the page. Supporters also deleted other references to the school's abuse of children.
    21. I won a BBC Talent Competition which resulted in my long-term employment by the BBC, first in programme-development, and later as a post-production engineer on BBC Radio 4's The Message hosted by Jenni Murray. I also worked for BBC Radio One, as a post-production audio-engineer for Mark Radcliffe and Marc Riley. During this time, I was under the management of Mario Dubois who, unlike most others at the BBC, did have integrity. I saw, from the inside, how deeply corrupt and submissive-to-the-Crown the British television system is. The Telegraph newspaper celebrated my employment by the BBC in a major feature published on Thursday, November 28, 2002, on page 23. In the article I am interviewed by journalist Bryony Gordon.
    22. Even the mainstream legacy-media has been forced to report on how the BBC gave Jimmy Savile limitless permission to rape and torture over one-thousand children inside BBC buildings.
    23. Some journalists at the New York Times attempted to stop the pedophile-enabler Mark Thompson from 'reigning' over their newspaper. New York Times columnist Joe Nocera wrote in the newspaper that, Thompson appeared "wilfully ignorant" of Savile's rape of children, and that there was "plainly" a cover-up by Thompson.
    24. The CIA "coined and weaponized" the label "Conspiracy Theorist" specifically to smear those who questioned the 'official' version of how JFK was killed. In 1976, the New York Times obtained a document they requested via the Freedom of Information Act, showing that the CIA had specifically invented the term "conspiracy theory" as a tactic to smear those who spoke-out against the CIA's assassination of President JFK.
    25. Take a look at some banknotes and coins from the UK. You will find that many of these items have the effigy of the UK's cult-leaders on them: Specifically, images of the royal-pedophiles.

About Chris Stevens
Chris Stevens is the former name of Phoenix Kaspian the Guardian Media Award winning journalist. Chris Stevens' stunning adaptation of Alice in Wonderland led to a major collaboration with Steve Jobs. Chris Stevens' book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Stevens' work "amazing". As a journalist, Stevens wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London.