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The King's House

By Phoenix Kaspian / Chris Stevens — August 1st, 2024

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I am Phoenix Kaspian, a survivor of rape and torture perpetrated at King's House School in Richmond, London. You can see my former classroom, and my school-friends at King's House School, in the photograph above. This photograph was first published in 1987. At the time, I was known by my former-name, Chris Stevens.

I kept a detailed record of the abuse at King's House School. I hope that this evidence can be used to protect children in the future, and to shut-down this school.

My evidence includes original, handwritten school-reports from teachers at the school. It also includes photographs of articles which were published in the 1987 issue of King's House School Magazine. My account has been confirmed by other survivors of the school. I am grateful for their support in writing this article.

This article is an expanded version of an episode of Phoenix & Aria Speaking Out. If you would like to listen to the audio-recording of the interview on which this article is partially-based, you can download a zip file containing an MP3 audio file by clicking here.

The Pedophile Headmaster

Before we look through some of my school-reports, I'd like to make it clear that Neville Chaplin, the man who wrote the first school-report we'll look at, was charged with raping boys. You can see here in this newspaper clipping, quoted below:

A pensioner has been charged with sexual assault and rape in relation to alleged incidents at Swanbourne house school in the 1980s where [Neville] Chaplin was a deputy-headmaster and house-master of the school.

When I was a child at King's House School, Neville Chaplin was the headmaster at the school. That's the highest position in the school. This is the same school that sent me, as a child, to an Outward Bound camp where I was ritually-abused for over a week, by an organized gang of pedophiles.

When, as an adult, I reported King's House School to the British police, they didn't mention to me that the camp where I was abused was, around this time, under the directorship of Jimmy Savile; one of the world's most notorious pedophiles.

The Headmaster of King's House School, Neville Chaplin, who was charged with raping children, wrote a school report about me. At the time, I was being sexually abused by Neville Chaplin himself, and by multiple other so-called 'teachers' at the school.

Neville Chaplin

The former headmaster of King's House School, Nevile Chaplin wrote of me as a child:
"The standard of his academic work is limited only by his behavior. He appears intelligent. Some of his antics are becoming tiresome and disruptive. The question must be asked whether he needs stricter discipline or specialist help. NJH Chaplin."

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From a psychological-perspective Nevile Chaplin's report on me is quite interesting. The first sentence: "The standard of his academic work is limited only by his behavior", actually applies to Neville Chaplin himself.

I remember, as a mathematics teacher, Nevile Chaplin wrote textbooks which he distributed in the classroom. So, he Nevile Chaplin did produce academic work which was limited only by his behavior.

I feel that Neville Chaplin's work in mathematics would have been much much better if he had not been raping children, and covering up the rape of children, at King's house School in Richmond, London.

The second line of his report on me reads: "he appears intelligent". This was also true of Neville Chaplin. He did appear intelligent. He appeared intelligent-enough to create a reasonable veneer of normality which hid his rape of children from those outside the school grounds. Of course, beneath this appearance of intelligence, Nevile Chaplin was fundamentally stupid.

The next line: "Some of his antics are becoming tiresome and disruptive." Yes, this is also true of Nevile Chaplin; his antics of abusing children and allowing children to be abused at the school did become extremely tiresome and disruptive.

Then the final line in the report reads: "The question must be asked whether he needs stricter discipline or specialist help."

Discipline is basically the idea that if a child is hurt and confused, and acting out, that you should harass and confuse them more to 'discipline' them. What Nevile Chaplin calls "specialist help" is an interesting concept. It is clear that Neville Chaplin himself needed specialist help; not the children he was abusing.

Permission to Rape

Why was this headmaster of King's House School permitted to freely rape children? Why was Neville Chaplin unable to empathize with the children he molested? What had happened to this 'headmaster' that required that he rape children? What happened in Neville Chaplin's childhood?

I think Nevile Chaplin is entirely correct in the final statement of the report he wrote, supposedly about me: "Specialist help" was required. But, it wasn't required for me, as a survivor of his abuse, it was required by Neville Chaplin. He was someone who should have been protecting, and looking after children, not abusing them.

Peter Cowlyn

The following 'science' report was written by Peter Cowlyn, one of the men who took us, as school-children, to an 'Outward Bound' camp in the north of England where, with other children, I was ritually-abused for over a week.

My previous name, Chris Stevens, has been redacted from this school-report. This is because this photograph was originally taken prior to my relocation to North America, where I am now protected. When this photograph was first published, I was in Europe, and it was not safe for me to reveal my name as a whistle-blower against the British Monarchy.

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Mr Cowlyn's photograph and autobiographical details are re-printed below. This article was originally printed in the 1987 issue of King's House School Magazine, which can be downloaded as a scanned PDF document. I thank another survivor of King's House School for providing me with this evidence.

Notice that, in the school magazine, Cowlyn writes that he dislikes "argumentative children". Presumably, by "argumentative" Cowlyn means children that put up a fight before he sexually-assaults them. This was certainly my experience of Cowlyn's behavior.

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Cowlyn also writes that one of his reasons for becoming a teacher was "Youth hosteling holidays with boys from school - Hopes to do some soon!" Indeed, Cowlyn was employed by King's House School for only a short-time before he organized a children's "holiday" to a remote Outward Bound camp in the North of the UK.

Freemason Pedophiles

Cowlyn states that another reason he became a teacher is that:
"At 16-17 thought very highly of himself organizing sports teams."
The reader may find it curious that Cowlyn refers to such a specific age range here. We know, from previous investigative reports, that the Freemason-Pedophile rings use various signs to signal to each other. One of these signs is the number 33. Obviously, this number results from the addition of 16 with 17; the two numbers that Cowlyn states, oddly, in his brief autobiography.

It is interesting, then, to consider the likelyhood that Cowlyn is signaling to other Freemason-pedophiles in the school. In other words: Not only do pedophile-teachers at King's House rape children; they also gloat about it, publicly, in printed magazine articles. Indeed, precisely this level of arrogance has been reported before; members of Freemason-pedophile rings are well-known for it.

It is not enough that these pedophiles simply rape children in 'elite' schools like King's House School. Richmond, London. They also celebrate it. Such is their confidence in King's House School, and the 'king', protecting them.

The Pedophile Monarchy

As an adult, I discovered that the 'Outward Bound' camp I was raped and tortured at was under the directorship of Jimmy Savile. It was also, at the time, under the patronage of Savile's close-friend Prince Philip; husband to the Queen; father to the now-notorious pedophile Prince Andrew. In other words: This so-called 'royal' family is steeped in sexual-abuse. It has been widely-reported that Prince Andrew, for example, raped trafficked-children. These children were supplied to him by Jeffrey Epstein.

Jimmy Savile with best-friend, Charles

Prince Phillip was, obviously, father to 'king' Charles, who was intimate-friends with Jimmy Savile. King Charles currently awaits trial in international criminal court for his well-evidenced brutalization of children.

Later, notorious-pedophile, Prince Andrew, was made patron of the same Outward Bound camp where I was ritually-abused. We can see, then, how the 'king' and his pedophile-ring are intimately linked to a network of camps, and schools, across the UK. These are locations at which they "feed" on children.

The Science of Abuse

In his 'science report', the pedophile-teacher Peter Cowlyn, wrote of me:
"He often appears to be in a dream, but he nevertheless enjoys the lessons and his examination result was satisfactory. I am therefore pleased with his progress."

Cowlyn's statement: "He often appears to be in a dream" is interesting. What Cowlyn is describing is my dissociation because I was being being sexually abused at home. Another reason for my dazed-condition is that I was being sexually-abused at the school; a third reason is I was taken to a camp, an organized camp, in which I was abused together with other children, for over a week. That is one reason why, as a child, I appeared "to be in a dream." I was deeply dissociated on account of severe trauma.

Alistair Newman

Two other teachers from King's House School took me, and the other children, to the Outward Bound camp to be raped and tortured. One of them was called Alistair Newman. This 'teacher' was notorious for openly-molesting us, as children, during his 'history lessons'.

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Alistair Newman would viciously twist children's hair and molest them as he walked around his classroom. Newman would often abuse children in full view of the entire class. These assaults typically began with Newman blaming a child for some peculiar infraction he had dreamed up. This was, of course, simply a pretext by which Newman could drag the child to the front of the classroom and begin 'spanking' them.

These 'spankings' were occasions on which Newman used the full-force of his adult-strength to beat the naked-rear of whichever child had displeased him in some undefined way. Newman also used these 'spankings' as opportunity to intrude on our genitals. He did this in almost every 'history' lesson I witnessed. He beat and sexually-assaulted children with the full, and complete, support of King's House School. Alistair Newman is photographed above, in 1987.

Richard Sewell

Another teacher who took us, as children, to be abused on this school "holiday camp" was our so-called "Form Master"; whose classroom we were required to gather in at the beginning and end of every day during my first year at the school. This teacher's name was Richard Sewell.

In the photograph below, you can see Sewell, and read his brief-autobiography. This was published in the 1987 issue of King's House School Magazine.

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In his autobiographical statement, Sewell writes that his reasons for becoming a teacher are "I enjoy passing on knowledge". This, as we discovered as children, was completely inaccurate. What Sewell enjoyed was sexually-assaulting students at King's House.

Sewell would typically molest children in the large, lockable, 'paper supplies' cupboard at the back of his classroom. The exact classroom in which Sewell sexually-abused children at King's House School is pictured in the photograph below. However the cupboard was to the right of the area pictured and is not included in this particular photograph:

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The Art of Ignorance

My art teacher at King's House School was not abusive. However, she participated in denying and covering up the abuse that other teachers were participating in. I don't believe that any teacher at King's House didn't know what was being done to children; or didn't have some sense of what was happening elsewhere in the school.

The art teacher at King's House ran the art classes which were in an attic space at the top of the school, and she was one of the few adults in the school who showed any care or concern for any of the students.

My art-teacher wrote of me: "He shows considerable talent and intelligence particularly in Craft Design Technology. It is a pity he occasionally lapses into very silly behavior."

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It's kind, the compliment she gives me as a child. She writes that I show "intelligence and talent"; that's encouraging. This is how these school-reports should probably be written; if at all. An adult should write things that encourage and enthuse a child. However, the final-part of this report is extremely problematic and I think it happens in schools even today. She's written: "It is a pity he occasionally lapses into very silly behavior."

What does this mean; when children exhibit behavior that seems extreme, unusual, confusing or confrontational? This is very very often because children are acting-out an emotion they're feeling; or an experience they've had. This strange idea that we have in our societies that children are silly or children have tantrums; this is the language of child-abusers. This language discredits the emotions of the child.

The Strength of Children

This minimization of a child's emotional-response to life is precisely the kind of societal stupidity that allows pedophiles who rape children to go unnoticed. This is because, when society attributes a child's behavior to 'nothing' society stops thinking about causation. Society has stopped examining what it might be that underlies a child's behavior. Too few people consider why a child is distressed.

Why do certain children want so much attention in school? Most often, it is because these children are profoundly starved of love at home. Often they are being abused at home. Society likes to think that children aren't abused. Society covers up the abuse of children. Society dismisses children's emotions and it blames the child for their reaction to the horrors of epidemic-levels of pedophilla.

When I look at the last sentence in this report from my art teacher, I feel it simply encapsulates the ignorance of our entire society, that much of 'society' does not show any interest in the underlying cause of a child's behavior. When a child is acting in extreme ways, it is very often because the child is indirectly expressing their distress at being abused.


When, as students at King's House School, we behaved in ways that the teachers thought were "disruptive", we would be sent to something called a detention. A "detention" at King's House School was where a child was kept after school, for an hour or two hours, out of the sight of other children, and parents, and molested by one, or more, pedophile-teachers.

I was sent to detention very very often. I repeatedly defied the pedophiles who roamed the school, and did everything I could to disrupt their abuse of children. I would be kept in a "detention" sometimes once or twice a week. This was because of the way I fought back against child-rapists like the headmaster, Neville Chaplin. During detention, the same teachers who were sexually-abusing King's House students during the day would additionally sexually abuse students in private; after the school day had ended.

This type of "public school" system ran throughout the UK, and still does. This school, King's House School still exists. Its doors are still open. The school still takes in students. Yet its headmaster was charged with raping boys.

My classmates and I, at King's House School, were subjected to the repeated horror of being molested by the teachers there.

King's House School sent many children to camps at which they were ritually abused, and nothing has been done. I have previously documented my ritual-abuse at the Outward Bound Camp, and the complicity of the British Police in this video. This school's gates are still wide open.

Roy Stratford

I wanted to finish by looking at one more report from King's House School; from my piano-teacher. Again, bear in mind that this report was written when I was around 11 years old, and the report reads:
"He had an appalling term producing no recognizable results until I threatened to sack him. This had tangible benefits for the week after, further comment is not possible as he forgot his music at his most recent appearance."

This piano teacher, Roy Stratford, was sexually abusing me and other students at the school and yet, somehow, he's found it in his mind to concoct this report. I'm just going to go through it again: "He has had an appalling term producing no recognizable results and untill I threatened to sack him." Roy Stratford seemed to think I was an employee of his, who should produce "results".

It's interesting isn't it? So, this abusive man Roy Stratford who is still teaching music out there, he seems to think the students who he's sexually abusing are his employees, and he can sack them.

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The next sentence of the report states that his threats this "had tangible benefits for the week after." What did that mean? What were the tangible benefits? That Roy Stratford could abuse me more extensively the week after because I was now sufficiently scared of him?

The word tangible literally relates to feeling as well, which is sickening in the context of what's happening at the school. You have a teacher who is sexually-abusing children in a school openly-writing of a child he has threatened: "This had tangible benefits for the week after." It's sick.

The final part of the report reads "...further comment is not possible as he forgot his music at his most recent appearance." Well, yes, I did forget my music, I think I "forgot my music" whenever I was near this man. I nearly lost myself because of the extent of the abuse at King's House School.

I think the real problem here is that Roy Stratford forgot his music. As in: he forgot his integrity. Stratford forgot his soul. Again, I read this report, and see that Roy Stratford has actually written a report about himself. He's accidentally put my name in his place.

If we go back through the report, we can rephrase it as, "Roy Stratford has had an appalling term producing no recognizable results." It's tragic isn't it? It's tragic that those who sexually abuse children feel confident enough to write reports about them. You might get a sense from watching this video that, to some degree, I have lost my anger towards these people and that is one of the reasons why I'm able to speak out.

The End of King's House

I was, together with other children, essentially tortured in King's House School for three years. No one did anything to help me. No one spoke out for me. No one looked at these school reports and thought: This is a bit intense and creepy. No one did that. So, the reason I'm making this video is because I want it to be known what schools like King's House do to students.

It's been over thirty years since I was at King's house school and I've decided it's time to write a report on them and so here is my report on King's house school:

"The standard of King's House School's teaching is limited only by its institutional pedophilia. The school appears legitimate but its antics are becoming tiresome and disruptive. The question must be asked whether King's House School needs stricter discipline or specialist help. The school's connection to Jimmy Savile, Outward Bound, and the British establishment often distract it in class. We recommend that the school be torn down and a memorial to all the children it sexually abused be put in its place."
I want to return to that report written by the piano teacher who was sexually abusing me. I remember when I finally left this school, and I was free of his abuse, I did return to the piano. One of the pieces I wrote was about the sense of strength, and freedom, that I felt in leaving that disgusting place called King's House School.

Now that I am protected, in North America, I am free to speak-out against what those teachers, and that camp, did to me. You can listen to my piano piece in memory of the kid I was, and in memory of all the children who were raped and tortured at this London school.

Chris Stevens

I am photographed, above, when my classmates asked me to speak after a school play at King's House School.

I am also photographed, below, on the day that I was first taken to King's House School. I would like to thank many other survivors of the school for their support in my writing of this article. Survivors of 'elite' British 'schools' often risk their lives in speaking out against the British-pedophile-monarchy.

Chris Stevens
    Now Read Part II

    Part two of Phoenix Kaspian's report into abuse and torture at King's House School evidences the school's supply of children to Steven Spielberg and other 'celebrities'. Phoenix also exposes a child-prostitution ring at the school, in which teachers delivered children "like room service" to guests in 'elite' hotels. Click here to read it.

About Phoenix Kaspian
Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.