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Risks in Reporting

By Aria
3rd September, 2024 —

Phoenix as a child

After escaping a Freemason-pedophile cult — in which her parents were members — Aria was soon physically attacked by other cult members. In this article, Aria (pictured above, as a child) describes the dangers faced by those who escape the Freemasons and other pedophile-rings. She also explains the risks of reporting sexual-assault by cults to the police.

Later in the article, Aria reflects on her return to art. She describes how her illustration work has helped her to document her childhood, and to heal.

If you escape a cult, the cult networks will often send people to violently attack you.

I experienced this shortly after I broke contact with my parents, who are both pedophiles and Freemasons. It was shocking for me to see how these cults can opperate internationally. I was mainly abused in London, but I was living in Berlin when I was attacked by the cult; as a punishment for escaping.

At the time, I was embarking upon a journey of self-discovery. I was beginning to learn what I was really interested in doing with my life. I was escaping my traumatically-programmed path of being a fashion model. I have talked about how I was groomed to be a model in a previous article.

My authentic self found its expression in the visual arts. I love drawing. My love of drawing brought me to an art school, where I could develop my art skills.

It was here that a classmate of mine posed as a friend, and attacked me in my own home. I kindly invited him for tea to talk about his troubles, but he took this opportunity to rape me.

At the time that it happened I didn't imagine that the Freemasons would be able to send someone to attack me so far from London. I was wrong. Another survivor of a Freemason-cult in Germany, who was being heavily sedated in a so-called 'hospital' (a torture-prison-camp), told me it was common for cults to send people to harm you if you try and leave. This other survivor warned me to be alert.

She was completely accurate in her assessment. Yet, in the torture-prisons that go by the name of 'hospitals', she was being treated as a crazy person. She remains one of the sanest people I met in Berlin.

The experience of being raped happened shortly after I believed that I had left all of the abuse behind. It was horrible to have this experience just when I thought I would never be abused again.

When I reported this attack to the Berlin police, they subjected me to an interrogation of sorts. Reporting the attack felt like the right thing to do. The attacker threatened me with a knife. I suspected there was a high risk that the attacker might come back and kill me. Despite repeatedly-bad experiences with the police, I felt an obligation to report the attack.

Reporting Assault

The police process in Berlin went terribly right from the start. I had a lawyer who didn’t support me. She seemed to know the police officers who were interrogating me.

It was very strange because this lawyer was recommended to me by an organization which had previously helped me a lot when dealing with my childhood traumas. The lawyer was affiliated with this organization.

It felt like the police and my lawyer were on the same team. They seemed to be on friendly terms when I entered the room. It was as if they had seen each other many times before. She didn’t protect me from any of the outrageous questioning from the police.

The experience was completely degrading and shattered my confidence. When talking about the attack, I felt like a child. It was horrible to be cast into a stereotype of a victim by the police officers. They asked really cruel questions; disgusting questions like: What kind of underwear I was wearing.

I think the police officers were perverse. They implied — and I think this is very much in the abuser’s psyche — that, as a victim, I somehow wanted to be abused. This is probably because it’s easier for many police officers to delude themselves into thinking that survivors of this type of attack wanted to be abused. This numbs them to the reality of what is going on in the city. Nobody wants to be abused. Does a child want to be abused? Does an adult? No.

I can see now, the clear link between the police officers and the cults who perpetrate exactly this type of abuse. I understand why the police attempted to degrade me as much as possible with their questions. The police are an essential part of the power-structures of abuse: It is a big risk to the power-structure of cults when people come forward and speak out about what is actually happening. Sadly, many police officers are Freemason-pedophiles.

I reported one of the police officers who had been asking these strange, insulting questions. The police responded to my complaint by writing a written letter to me. They said that they had considered my complaint, and they found the questions entirely normal. They said that the officers had not deviated from their protocol at all. They believed that it was totally okay to ask these types of questions.

So, essentially, the German Police force believe that asking questions like: ‘What kind of underwear were you wearing?’ is acceptable.

The police also asked if I had consumed alcohol or drugs on that day — as if that would make a difference to what had happened. In any case, I was completely sober.

The worst part of this 'interrogation' was when they made me demonstrate the part of the abuse where I was drugged, before I was raped. They said my lawyer had to pretend to be me and I had to put a piece of fabric over her mouth, as it has occurred during the attack.

In other words, the police made me reenact the abuse. Now, I was to play the role of the abuser and my lawyer as the victim. That was a normal process, according to the police.

It was a hideous experience. It took so much courage to even go there. I just wanted to answer the questions as clearly as possible and provide as much evidence as I could. At that point, I still naively believed that there might be some police officers who were on the side of good. There still are such police officers, of course, but I doubt they put them at the front lines; where it really matters; where survivors, many of them formerly abused-children, are being hurt.

It was so hard because of the power-dynamic. I wasn’t able connect with my emotions at the time. Afterwards, I felt like a wreck. It felt like a second abuse. Because of the way that they were treating me.

The police officers lied when they said this type of questioning was entirely normal. I verified this when I had a second interview. Here, I had to continue making my report.

This time I specifically requested to have two female police officers. Normally, it doesn’t matter to me whether someone is male or female as long as they are a kind person. But, in this case, I wanted to see whether it made a difference to the type of questions they asked.

I had such a terrible experience with these two male police officers that I thought it might help having female police officers. It did help.

It felt like they were attempting to make an impartial report. But, the questions were much kinder. They were just kinder. I could tell that they weren’t sexualizing me, or looking at me weirdly. It felt like they had empathy, they were empathetic. That made such a difference.

These female police officers didn’t ask me questions that I thought were degrading. I didn’t come out of the second interview with a sense that any of the questions were problematic.

When I came out of the first interview, with the male police officers, I felt like I had been attacked again. It was very strange because I could feel the energy emanating from the police officers. It felt like they were holding back violence. I felt really scared. I felt shaken by their hostile questioning.

It felt like the whole time, I was the one being questioned. It seemed like they had researched me on the internet beforehand. The whole tone of the questioning was very skeptical from the beginning. The police generally gave me the impression that I had committed the crime, and I was under investigation.

Why do the Police feel like this is a normal way to treat anyone who has been through that experience? It’s obviously not.

It seemed like the police officers’ objective was to disprove my report. Why would they do this? Sadly, many police officers are members of Freemasonic-pedophile gangs. They are given orders from their lodges to discredit survivors of cult attacks.

Other police officers may have had their own experiences of abuse — often as children — which they can't admit to themselves and which they want to cover-up. Frequently those who felt powerless as children are drawn to authoritarian jobs, like being a cop.

The Power of Art

I have rediscovered my interest in art and it has become a powerful medium in which I can transform my childhood traumas.

Drawing was something that got lost, especially at the time of the abuse. It’s been so nice feeling that I’ve recovered my true identity.

Drawing as a kid allowed me to go to a different world. It still feels like that. I feel like I receive messages from the universe when I am painting and drawing. It is super-cosmic and transcendent. I still feel most connected to myself when I am drawing.

My art tends to be playful and hopeful. It is art that has sprung out of the imaginary in my current life. I’ve also drawn a lot of my experiences as a kid. I’ve drawn a lot of the abuse that I experienced. It has provided me with documentation of something that went undocumented. So much of my chidhood-abuse went undocumented by the adults that denied it, and by the perpetrators who hid it.

Art has allowed me to fully integrate many early abuse experiences. I know that when I have drawn out a memory and transformed it, it no longer has a hold on me. I can go to my folder of drawings and see that the memory has been processed.

It feels like part of the reason why I’m here on planet Earth is to remember what happened to me as a child, and to speak out about it. To stop it happening to any other children. One part of this speaking-out process is expressed through my drawing and my artwork. I want to let other survivors know that they weren’t alone in experiencing these things. I want to let others know it’s okay to speak out. It is the way free.

About Phoenix Kaspian
Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.