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The Price of Fashion

By Aria
3rd September, 2024 —

Aria as a child

Aria was groomed to be a fashion model from the age of four, when she was first taken to Mick Jagger's house in London.

Later, as a teenager, Aria was sedated with drugs; abducted by her father; and taken to the house again. Here she was abused by an organized gang working for the fashion industry.

Aria (pictured above, as a child) has written the following account of her experiences in the fashion industry. Her report exposes the predators who feed-off models and the damage done to humanity.

I thought being a fashion model would allow me to break free from all the abuse that enveloped me as a kid. I thought modelling would enable me to travel, and escape my abusers.

Instead, my work as a model led to me being violently-attacked by 'celebrities' in the industry. Modeling also left me with eating disorders and a persistent dysmorphia; a distorted-perception of my own reflection.

As a teenager, I loved fashion. Picking out the clothes that I liked to wear gave me a sense of control in a world that was crumbling around me due to violence. I also loved reading, and learning about the world. But that was never taken seriously by adults around me.

My parents, and other caregivers, always thought that I was really stupid. They gave me the impression that only my appearance, as a fashion model, gave me value.

When I was a very young child, I was groomed at Mick Jagger's house in Richmond, London. It took me a long time to realize that my later interest in the fashion world was subconsciously-programmed by these grooming experiences in very early childhood.

Mick Jagger's House

I went to The Vineyard School, which is in Richmond. This school is located behind Mick Jagger's house. Jagger is the lead-singer of the Rolling Stones and he was listed in the 'Black Book' of notorious pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.

When I was around four years old, I was taken to this house along with two school friends who were also attending the Vineyard. As a young child, I had no concept of what these adults could want with us. It felt like they were preparing us for something. It felt like they wanted to prepare us to be models.

On this first occasion, I'm not sure who took me to the Mick Jagger house, but on the subsequent occasion — when I was between the ages of sixteen to eighteen — it was my father who took me there. He drugged me at night; put me in a car; and took me to the house.

It was a really elaborate house, and there were lots of alcoholic drinks everywhere. I just started drinking to try and escape the situation because it was so overwhelming.

The alcohol switched-off my instinctual fear response. I told myself it was a normal party. But, I was drinking to deal with the strangeness of the situation; being so young and surrounded by important-looking adults. Then, something very painful happened to me.

It felt like this party was designed to groom teenagers into becoming models. At the party, I recognized two friends of mine, both around the same age as I was — sixteen to eighteen years old. These two friends had also been taken to the Mick Jagger house while we were still in primary (elementary) school. Like me, these friends had likely been groomed to be models.

The party was full of photographers from the fashion industry. I also saw someone I now know to be a famous model. At the time, she was just a teenager like me.

Blackmail Gathering

The party appeared to have been designed as a venue for abuse. Men in a room forced me, and my childhood friend, at gunpoint, to perform sexual acts. They filmed everything. They found my other childhood friend, and then she was made to participate in it; also at gunpoint.

My father delivered me to the party, and then picked me up at the end. His motivation for taking me there was purely monetary. He profited financially from it.

On other occasions, throughout my childhood, my father drugged me in order for me to be abused by pedophiles. My father was a Freemason, and this is what most Freemasons do to children. I have discussed this topic extensively elsewhere.

It is likely that these men from the Fashion Industry were filming me because they thought they could sell the violent film detailing the abuse. They wanted to abuse my childhood friends and I for money; for financial gain; and for power and control.

Paris Hilton, who was also a former model, has now spoken out publicly about the abuse she was subjected to. She experienced something very similar to me. She had an abusive video made of her.

A video was released of Paris Hilton, probably in an attempt to control her. Would the abusive videos made of me, and my childhood friends, been used as a way of controlling us; later, if we had become significant models in the industry?

There were other teenagers present at the party. Some of them are now major models in the fashion industry. Many young models were abused at these grooming-parties.

There were drinks everywhere at this party. Everyone seemed to have drugs on them. If you went to the bathroom; you would take cocaine. I was drawn to very dissociative behavior. My automatic reaction to the fear was just to start drinking; or to start doing lines of cocaine to overcome the terror of the situation.

The age range of the party was a split; an even mix of young models and people from the industry; known photographers, young 'cool'-looking kinds of people. Everyone there was fifty-years-old or below. I'm not sure why Mick Jagger was not present. Perhaps it was too risky for him to be seen by us when the group did not yet have sufficient blackmail material on all the models present.

It is now common knowledge that Jeffrey Epstein was a notorious pedophile who posed as various things including a scientist; an investor; a businessman; a modelling-agent, whilst he was actually trafficking children. Epstein owned a plane which he used to transport people to an island. On this island, children were routinely raped and tortured. Various 'celebrities' and politicians flew on this plane.

Bill Clinton visited the child-rape island at least 26 times that we know of. Numerous other high-profile figures also flew out there. One of the items of evidence that they collected on Jeffrey Epstein was what they call his 'black book'. This was a collection of phone numbers of the people who he was connected to.

One of the phone numbers and names in this book was Mick Jagger's. I experienced abuse at Jagger's house, and witnessed the abuse of two childhood friends there. The abuse was filmed.

I was first taken to Mick Jagger's house when I was a very young child, around four years old.

In the summer of 2011, when I was eighteen years old, I 'worked' as a model. I was not really working because I barely saw any money from this arrangement; and on all the occasions I was abused in some way. All my shoots were arranged by my parents, so it was not the independence that I had hoped for.

Drugged by Predators

I often went to central London to do castings, and I remember this one particular occasion, it was a fashion shoot, and there was one other model there. It was meant to be an advertising campaign. First, they took pictures of us.

They gave us drinks beforehand as well. They just told us to drink. They put something in the drink. It was typical on a shoot to be offered alcohol to drink.

The other model and I were coerced into drinking before the shoot. They just put a glass on the table, and said: "This will help you. Just drink." And then they did this supposed fashion shoot. The photographer sexually abused us; touched the models. This would happen a lot with these fashion things.

The most 'famous' person in the industry who abused me was Karl Lagerfeld. A photographer on the shoot abused me first by touching me. Then, I was passed on to Karl Lagerfeld, which just felt horrible. Obviously, I knew who this person was.

After the shoot, I was taken by the photographer into another room, and then I was inappropriately touched by this photographer. This seemed to be preparation for me to be abused by Karl Lagerfeld. Next, I was then taken to Lagerfeld in a different room. It was very intimidating seeing someone that you recognize, and who's so powerful in the fashion industry; you know who they are.

It felt like things were being done to me, it didn't really feel like I had any control, or any power, or any say in what was happening. The photographer on the shoot, groomed and prepared me to be abused by Karl Lagerfeld. I was raped by him.

The Compulsion to Repeat

I feel that Karl Lagerfeld did this to me because he had, most likely, been abused himself at some point in the past. When abuse, particularly in childhood, is not remembered, it is acted out. This is desribed accurately in Freud's theory of The Compulsion to Repeat. Early abuse can be acted out in different ways — it can, alternatively, be turned inwards, and result in self-harm — but Lagerfeld seemed to act-out his trauma by casting himself in the role of the abuser.

As an adult, I am now able to understand that Karl Lagerfeld — like many other people in positions of power in the fashion industry — was most likely abused himself. He was then placed in a position of power in the hierarchy of abuse.

Hierarchies of Abuse

I was taken to Mick Jagger's house, at four years old, and I was groomed. Then, I was placed in a position of average-power, where I was a model in the fashion industry; I was creating, for the 'consumer' a sense of what 'fashion' currently was; and what direction it should take; and what people should buy.

To ensure that I did not step-out-of-line in that role, I was subjected to violence. This violence eliminated much of my free thought. I was traumatized to become compliant. There were also those above me in the hierarchy. They had been groomed to abuse me.

Presumably, there were others above them in the hierarchy who had been groomed to abuse them. There was a pyramidal-structure to the power system that controlled the industry.

The power system operating within the fashion industry analyzes your character, to determine what role you will play in this hierarchy of abuse.

If you are more violent, they will place you in a violent position in the pyramid. Often, after they have abused a child sufficiently, the child will gain a proclivity towards violence. Repeated abuses may have worn the child down. This is how they create monsters.

I was never violent. I never showed a violent energy. So, it was useless for the fashion-cult to install me as a violent abuser in their hierarchy. Freemasonic-cult-power systems train children to fulfill different roles. Karl Lagerfeld was, clearly, prepared to take on a very violent, active role in the system. For this reason, he was promoted to the higher-ranks of the pyramid.

The Fraud of Fashion

Abusive power-relationships in the fashion industry are later modeled — literally modeled — throughout our societies. What a model is really modeling is not clothes, but a way to be in the world. The subconscious messages tranmitted by the fashion-industry have a much more powerful effect than what superficially appears in photographs.

The subtext of all fashion marketing is the idea that we must consume more to become happy. But, this is merely the easiest programming to detect. Much more subtle messages are also being trannsmitted. There is the non-verbal normalization of violence. Many of these photographs are taken in abusive situations. The photographs then transmit a violent-energy through their depiction of a model; through clothing choices; or lack thereof.

These insidious messages, and the idea that it is okay to treat people like this, is received by children who aspire to be like the models they see in the magazines. The sad truth is that many of these 'aspirational' fashion models live in hell.

The fashion industry also creates a sense of worthlessness and personal-devaluation in anyone who does not fall into the remit of beauty defined by those 'higher up' in the fashion industry. Even at the height of my 'career' as a model, I was told my skin was bad. At the beginning of my career, I was told to lose weight. So, even when your role is to define societal standards of beauty, you are constantly told there is a problem with you.

This relentless critiquing of models is common in the industry. It is a way to crush a person's spirit. Telling a model they need to lose weight emotionally robs the child. Models typically start out at fourteen years old and I was groomed to be a model from four years old. These children are robbed of vital-energy to fight back against their abusers.

Constant comparison of models against each other creates division. This is done intentionally. If there was unity between models, we would fight back against the common experience of being treated like a slave, and abused like an object.

What is fermented in the pages of fashion magazines sends messages which filter down into the rest of society. These abusers and their cameras create eating disorders in children; dysmorphia; and a preoccupation with areas of the body that were totally normal until the Fashion Industry, through video and magazines, suggested there was something wrong.

Modeling a New Future

We're collectively beginning to get a sense of how the power systems on planet earth work. The fashion industry is entwined with blackmail and child-abuse rings. Jeffrey Epstein was involved with the fashion industry and provided Prince Andrew with children to rape. Sick pedophile-gangs, like the British Royal Family, feed off wounded-children in the fashion industry.

These legacy-power-systems put people in positions of power, and they invite those people to abuse children. They film the abuse, and then they use the videotapes of adults abusing children to control those adults. These 'elite' pedophile rings know it's socially unacceptable — to the majority of people — to abuse and rape children in this way.

Jeffrey Epstein was fed children via his contacts in the modelling industry. He was supplied with children to abuse, and he supplied children to other pedophiles, like Prince Andrew. Part of this abuse-of-children was designed, presumably, to traumatically-condition these children. I was conditioned, and other children were conditioned, by abuse in the fashion industry. We were conditioned never to speak out against these monsters.

Hearing the accounts of other survivors, and knowing what I do now about how the modeling and fashion industry works, the mechanisms of power become clear to see. The fashion industry is linked directly to sex traffickers, like Jeffrey Epstein, and pedophiles like Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. It feels like the veil is being lifted. People are figuring it all out.

Many people are slowly realizing that power is sick. If someone turned up on your street; and put a gold hat on; and said "I'm the King now give me most of everything you own; and sing songs about me", people would say, "No, that's crazy, that's crazy!" That person on the street would last ten minutes.

The question has to be asked: Why are there people in gold hats in palaces in the UK doing exactly the same thing? Why is nobody stopping them? Reading my account we have the answer, and reading the accounts of others gives us the answer.

No one is doing anything about the British pedophile-Monarchy, and the fashion-industry it partly underwrites, because so many of us were abused as children.

Some abused children have, as adults, become abusers: They are placed in positions of political power — or power in the fashion and entertainment industry — in order to sustain a system, where adults do not speak out against the Royal-pedophiles and the 'elite' classes. Many people are terrified because they were abused as children. They were taught to be passive.

Fortunately, now the spell is broken. Fashion has fallen out of fashion. Many survivors are fighting-back and speaking out. It's become clear to most people what the true cost of a modeling career is: Your self-respect; your body; your soul.

This article is a partially based on a recorded conversation between Aria and Phoenix. If you would prefer to listen to the audio-recording on which some of this article was based, you can download a zip file containing an MP3 of the original audio file. The transcript above was lightly edited for legibility; to make corrections; and to add new information.

About Phoenix Kaspian
Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.