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The Space Racist

By Phoenix Kaspian — 7th January, 2024

Judgement Day - Comic - Weird Fantasy

If you call yourself 'black' or you call yourself 'white', you are a racist. Just as if you called yourself a 'proletariat', or called yourself 'bourgeoisie', you would be a communist. It is this simple realization that will be the next step in the evolution of human consciousness.

Those who cannot understand the sociolinguistic mechanisms behind the cheap stage-trick that has been pulled on us, will find that no amount of wrestling with the problem of 'racism' will solve the problem of racism. It is logically designed to be impossible to solve within the confines of its own terminology.

What we call 'racism' is best viewed as a Gordian Knot; a Chinese finger-trap; a puzzle innately designed to prevent its own solution. A puzzle where the only winning move is not to play at all.

This should be simple to understand, but we have been bombarded by propaganda and stupidity. We are taught to divide ourselves against each other, daily. The spell is relentless, and so the antidote must be strong.

Division by Design

Could the arbitrary division of Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda be solved by discussing 'Tutsi rights'? Clearly not. The division was artificially created by German and Belgian colonialists clasping measuring-tapes, with the objective of dividing the people against each other. The problem in Rwanda was not the oppression of the Tutsi or the genocidal-impulses of the Hutu (although this was a symptom) the problem was the very notion of these sub-classifications to begin with. A division must always be engineered before a massacre can be provoked.

Wresting with the problem of melanin-derangement-syndrome by negotiating within the lexicon of the racist's terminology ('black' and 'white') guarantees that you cannot escape the oppressor, and that you are (through the act of using these ideas) a racist. You are — inadvertently or not — legitimizing the racist's concepts; their words; and their phrases.

As Einstein famously noted, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." You cannot solve the problem of communism by discussing the rights of the 'proletariat' or the practicalities of 'Marxist doctrine'. Nor by discussing the grievances of the 'bourgeoisie'. This is because engaging with these terms is accepting, and perpetuating, their significance.

Equally, you cannot solve the problems of phony capitalism by discussing the technical nuances of the 'fractional-reserve banking' or 'fiat currency'.

The discussion, or rearrangement, of different configurations of the 'cogs' that comprise a harmful ideological system will ensure that you never leave that system. This is precisely why those in 'power' (who seek to divide us) love terms like 'racial equality'; 'race relations". and 'racial injustice'. Because terms like this pre-suppose a great lie: That what we call 'race' was not invented by them for the specific purpose of harming us.

This article is not an invitation to deny the reality of hostilities enacted on any group. A difference in melanin-density between one group and another group is often used to justify violence; but it is not the origin of that violence. When we look behind the scenes at how, and why, racism is engineered in the first place, institutional power-systems begin to reveal themselves. We do not find biology; we find politics. We do not find nature; we find manipulation.

Even when the stupidity of the ideological construct of 'race' is exposed by institutional publications, the institution is forced into absurd positions. For example, the National Geographic printed this report on human twins who clearly challenge the ideology of 'racism'.

Human Children

Yet, despite the obvious decimation of racism in the photograph used on this magazine cover, the institution of the National Geographic cannot resist chanting the "black" and "white" mantra of the ideology of racism. The cover announces "Black and White" twins, while the photograph clearly shows what a magazine that was not racist would simply call "human children".

Even in its feigned attempts at reconciliation, the establishment must re-enforce division. If the National Geographic did not advance the ideology of 'racism', it would risk the exposure of the wealthy 'elite' interests who fund and sustain it. When the citizens are united, the abusers face consequences.

Escape the 'ism'

By repeatedly using the words, ideas, and concepts of an ideological-system, you are engaged in re-enforcing the ideology. Consciously or not, you become the 'ism' whose mantras you most frequently repeat, even if apparently to 'solve' its 'problems'. The ideology may be communism; racism; capitalism; sexism etc. and the mantra may be 'proletariat-bourgeoisie'; 'black-white'; 'worker- manager' etc.

Once you step into the socio-linguistic arena of an 'ism'; and use its words and ideas, you cannot resolve its injustices. You are stood on the very platform that you are trying to dismantle. You are trapped within, and implementing the systemic ideology of the very notion that you claim to be opposed to. You become its spokesperson.

Someone who thinks Coca Cola is unhealthy does not publicly decry this sugary-drink whilst simultaneously sloshing it into his mouth at every opportunity. Yet this is the position of those who use the terms 'white' or 'black' people, whether kindly or not.

Similarly, imagine an architect sternly opposing brutalism, while shouting her manifesto from an apartment in London's Barbican Center (a brutalist masterpiece); or imagine a driver angrily protesting that Volkswagen cars made their fortune from running World War II concentration camps, and touring this message, driving a Volkswagen camper van.

You cannot overthrow something if you are using it. If you are referring to 'black' or 'white' people then you are using the 'ism'. Capitalism (rightly or wrongly) is interwoven with the terminology of 'consumer' and 'free market'. Racism is undeniably interwoven with the terminology of 'black' and 'white'.

To re-emphasize the point: If a man talks regularly of 'product' and 'consumer', we have no hesitation in calling him a 'capitalist'; and he would, no doubt agree. Why then, if a man talks constantly of 'black' people and 'white' people do we not call him a racist?

It is because we are deceived by those in power to believe that we can solve the problem of 'racism' by negotiating within its linguistic prison. We are taught that racism is the failure to appease the nominated-underdog in a melanin-war. We are not taught that racism is the very act of creating such a group and making broad claims about its needs, dreams, and desires.

The only way we can solve racism is:

  • Identify the words and ideas by which it enforces itself.
  • Stop using those words and ideas.

    Weird Fantasy

    It seems to be taking humanity a very long time to reach a very basic realization: That most 'isms' involve taking a group of people, picking a characteristic by which you feel you can divide them against others, and then emphasizing that characteristic with the objective of dividing them. In the case of 'racism' the point of division used is 'melanin density'.

    Culturally, this realization has always been with us. It has, however, been furiously suppressed by those who profit from our division.
  • Judgement Day - Comic - Weird Fantasy
    Take a look, for example, at the excerpt from a comic-book at the very top of this page. This is from the story Judgment Day published in issue No.15 of Weird Fantasy (1953). You can see that the producers of this story (Al Feldstein and Joe Orlando) easily dismantle the very notion of 'racism'; showing it to be a purely low-consciousness ideology. Judgment Day is essential reading for anyone who, even after reading this article, thinks that it is okay to call others, or themselves, 'white' or 'black.'

    Despite being written in the early 1950s, Judgment Day presents a futuristic perspective of humanity. In this future, we have evolved to a new level of awareness and peace: An emissary from Earth is then sent to another planet, "Cybrinia", to "inspect" the civilization there and determine whether they have developed a society "worthy of inclusion" into the "Galactic Republic".

    Although the fictional planet Cybrinia has reached a level of high technological development, its civilization is divided into blue and orange robots. The story ends with a devastating twist. A twist so challenging to authority that the US Government sought repeatedly to censor Judgment Day; and failed.

    Those is 'power' have relied, for centuries, on censorship and your ignorance in failing to perceive their mechanisms of division. But now, viewed from the vastness of our galactic potential, racism on Earth looks like a silly game that humans once played, cheered on by monarchies; the CIA; and other failing, decrepit institutions of hate and separation.

    About Phoenix Kaspian
    Phoenix Kaspian is an industrialist. He works in hydrogen-automotive manufacture and urban structures. Phoenix's early graphics work included a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's book designs have been described by The New York Times as "fabulously surreal", "beautiful" and "stunningly imaginative". While Susan Orlean at The New Yorker called Phoenix's graphics work "amazing". As a journalist, Phoenix wrote for The Telegraph, and The Times in London. Today, Phoenix works internationally for a manufacturing and visualization firm.